Chapter 29

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I looked up. "Layne?" I squinted my eyes.

"Nicole?" Her eyes widened "What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be in North Carolina!" She screamed "I came here because of Magcon." I said while coming in for a hug and she hugged me back.

"I can't believe you're here." She said "I can't believe I'm seeing you here." I said

"Wait, you said you came here for Magcon?" She asked "Yeah." "Where are the guys? Hayes should at least be with you." "Yeah.. We kind of broke up."

"Awe, Nicole." She Said in a sympathetic tone "Yeah, it's all good though... But I don't want to think about him right now. So, what have you been up to?"

"Nothing really, just wanted to take a walk. I was just heading back to my apartment. You wanna' come?" She asked "Sure."

We were walking down the street when Cameron called me.

I pressed accept and held my phone up to my ear.

"Hey Cam." I said "Nicole, I'm so sorry this happened." "It's fine. I found one of my old friends." "That's great. Are you gonna' hang out with them or come back?" He asked "I'm gonna hang out with her. What time are you guys gonna go out to the party?" I asked "I don't know. I'll call you though. You can ask her if she wants to come to the party with us if you want." "Ok. thanks for checking up on me." I said "No problem. I'll see you later." "K. bye." I said then hung up.

We walked and talked and I told her everything that happened.

We got to her apartment and watched Veggie Tales with her little sister Myla because we both wanted to hang out with her.

We're gonna come get you in 45 minutes. is your friend coming?- Cameron

"Hey you wanna come to a party with the guys and I?" I asked

She let out a sigh "I Have to stay here and take care of Myla while my mom is out with her friends."

"Awe, well Cameron said they're coming to pick me up in 45 minutes."

She said she can't.- Nicole

We sat out on the porch steps waiting for them.

"It was nice hanging out with you while it lasted." She sighed "Yeah... I promise I'll stay in touch and come visit sometime." "That sounds good."

The car pulled up and we both stood up to give each other a hug.

"I'll miss you." I said into her shoulder "I'll miss you too, and if you don't text or call me, I'm coming down to North Carolina to punch you." "I will. I promise."

We both released from the hug and said goodbye. 

I walked to the car and got in.

I opened the car door and Hayes was sitting in the middle seat and Caroline was on the other side of him, and Cameron and Nash were in the two front seats.

I got in the car and tried to ignore the fact that I'm sitting next to my ex-boyfriend who's holding hands with his new girlfriend that he left me for.

Well, this is great

Caroline leaned over and kissed him on his jawline

Even better.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I grabbed it and read the text.

Hey- Xavier

Hi- Nicole

I could feel Hayes glance over at his shoulder at my phone screen.

Wyd?- Xavier

I'm heading to a party with a few friends- Nicole

Oh. I hope you have fun. I'll text you later- Xavier

Thanks. I'll text you later- Nicole

I set my phone back down on my lap and not even two minutes later got another text.

You ok? - Cameron

Yeah. I'm fine- Nicole

Are you sure?- Cameron

Yeah. I feel happy for him. I'd hate to see him sad and he's not, so it's a good thing. I'm still a little heart broken, but it's not the end of the world- Nicole

Ok, tell me if you need anything.- Cameron

K. Thanks- Nicole

It's going to be a really long night

Both of Us ♤ Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now