Chapter 4

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~ Saturday Detention~
I sat down in the small classroom and put in my earbuds.

I saw Hayes sitting and talking with his friends.

He looked over at me and smiled, but I just looked down at my hands and tried to act like I didn't see him.

When he noticed that I wasn't happy he came over and asked me what was wrong.

Before I could answer the teacher that was watching us told us the rules to detention.


It's been half of an hour and the teacher fell asleep along with everyone else, besides Hayes and I.

"Hey want to sneak out?" Hayes whispered "No thanks, you've already gotten me into enough trouble." "Look, do you really want to spend two more hours of your Saturday in detention or out with me. Plus he'll never find out everyone's asleep and he's a pretty heavy sleeper. I should know, I'm always here."

I knew I was gonna regret the decision I was about to make, but I really don't want to be in school on Saturday. "Fine." I sighed 


"Where should we go now?" I asked once we got outside "We Should go get some food." "Ok, well where do you want to go?" "Chipotle." "Ok."

As soon as we walked in Hayes let out a groan of annoyance.

"What?" I asked "My ex is here."

He grabbed my hand and led me to a table.

We found a table, but then after we got our food she came over.

"Oh! Hi Hayes, I didn't even know you were here?" She said a little loud "Who's your friend?" "Umm this is my friend Nicole." She leaned over to shake my hand and gave me a fake smile.

Then she turned to Hayes and bent over to give him a hug. She gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then she gave me another fake smile and walked away.

They called us up to come get our food and we both got up to go get it.

"Well, we have an hour and a half left. What do you want to do?" He asked. " I don't know?" "We could go to my house and watch a movie." He suggested. "Ok."


We walked into his house and it was honestly pretty big.

We both layed down on the couch, and we both agreed to watch Mean Girls, but both ended up falling asleep.

We both ended up falling asleep

I woke up and looked down at the time my phone had. It said it was 12:15, which meant we had 15 more minutes until we could get to class

"Hayes! Hayes! Wake up we have to go back Come on!" I slightly shook him awake.

We both ran down the street and got to school by 12:27 "Good Everybody's still asleep." I whispered

The alarm went off and scared the crap out of everyone, especially us.

When we left detention he invited me over to his house for a surprise party for one of his friends, Cameron.

I agreed to go then went home to get ready.

I took a shower then changed. I put on black jeggings, a white loose tank top, and white converse high tops

when I was heading out the door I was stopped by my mom

"Where Are you going?" She asked "To a friend's house." "Ok do you need a ride?" she asked " "No thank you" " Ok honey text me if you need anything." "Ok. I'll see you later."

Both of Us ♤ Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now