Chapter 21

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We went back to our room and Hayes was on his phone for a long time. Not to be one of those overprotective girlfriends because I honestly don't care, but it's been like an hour.

I looked at the followers news thingy on Instagram to see what he was doing. He was looking at Charlotte's page, and liked her bikini pictures. I'm not gonna lie, I was a little... Worried. She's really pretty and in a bikini...

Well, she might be his cousin or something, or one of his friends, or one of his exes, or his internet crush. my confidence lowered really fast after I said crush.

I heard Hayes turn off his phone and walk over to the bed where I was sitting, so I quickly hit the home button on my phone.

"Are you ready to go out?" Hayes asked "Sure." I said

We changed into nicer clothes. Hayes was in jeans, Vans, and a Hollister button down shirt. And I was in skinny jeans, a black, long sleeved shirt, Jordans, and I put my hair in a ponytail braid or whatever you want to call it.

While we were walking to wherever we were going Hayes said that he will always love me, and that I should always remember that.

I started honestly to get a little worriedly because he said that. Like what if he's gonna break up with me for someone else, or he knew I saw what he was doing on his Instagram-- "ok close your eyes." Hayes said, interrupting my thoughts

"Umm, ok?" Now I was even more anxious to find out what it was.

He took my hand and led me down the street. "Ok, open em." he said

It was beautiful! We were in a park, and there were Christmas lights set up on the trees, and there was a picnic bench set up with a checkered sheet over it, and there was one single rose in a glass on the table.

"Do you like it?" he asked "I love it." I said

I sat right across from him. "You look beautiful tonight. You're eyes are... Green." he said "yeah, they change colors sometimes. You look handsome yourself." I could tell I was blushing.

There was someone who brought out a small plate of spaghetti and two forks. "Fancy." I said "Yeah, I can be fancy." he said with a cocky smile.

We talked for a little while longer then headed back to the hotel. He told me not to worry about clean up.

"We have Magcon tomorrow at 12." he said "Nice or casual?" I asked "Casual." "K."

When we got to the hotel room I laid down on the bed and was soon asleep.

Both of Us ♤ Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now