Chapter three (Hunter)

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        Ava drove while I slept. I didn't get very much sleep. The tail was only the beginning and I felt bad about putting the man's life at risk. He had no idea what we were running from. I awake with a jolt and see a gas station in front of me. "I can do it." I tell her. She shakes her head. "No, go back to sleep I got it." I open my mouth to protest but she holds up her hand. Fuck I'm in for it now.

"You need to rest. I can do this run on my own." With that she puts on a baseball cap and grabs some money out of the wad of cash. As soon as she walks into that store my body gets tense. Everybody in my eyes became suspicious. The man on his motorcycle became evil. The woman and her husband became suspects. And it went on and on. Fuck what was taking her so long? Finally she came out, her arms filled with grocery bags.

I jump out and help her. "Your supposed to be resting ." She tried and chided me but I simply I ignored her. She climbed in the front seat and let her hair down before pulling it into a sleek pony tail. "Where to now?" She asked. "Let's go to a motel. Easier escape access." She nods and we're off again.

Ava pulled a baseball cap over her easily recognizable eyes and I checked in. We moved the bags to the room and I sit on the bed watching as she dug around in the snack bag. She sighed and gave up on her search. "What's wrong?" I ask her. She comes over and sits on my lap. She runs her fingers through my hair. "You need a haircut." She tells me.

My hair now hung right on the tips of my eye lashes. "I like it this way." I admit. Ava smiles and I kiss her gently. "I need a shower." She mumbles against my lips. "I think we both do." I laugh and she climbs off of me pulling off her shirt along the way. I smile at the red lace she knows kills me and walk over the her.

I pull her into me so her back is against my chest and my fingers dip into her shorts. Her steady breathing falters for a minute and I smirk loving the affect I have on her. I bite on her earlobe and Ava whimpers. "I think we should take a shower now." I tease her and she glares at me as I walk towards the small bathroom.

I turn the water on and strip as Ava watches me with heated eyes. "You shouldn't tease." She scolds me as she pulls down her shorts. Her lace underwear makes me wish I hadn't climbed in the shower so fast. I will never get sick of seeing Ava's sinful body.

She seemed to move extra slow now and as soon as she steps into the shower I greedily take her lips in mine and pull her towards me. The motel's shower was small and there was hardly any room for me. Ava kissed me and there was a desperation there. I knew the feeling.

The Secrets that He kept (second book in the secrets that we keep series)Where stories live. Discover now