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A week had passed and the Order had finalised the plans to infiltrate the death-eater headquarters and kill Nagini. It was a challenge, that was for sure. Remus and Maeve had been arguing the whole week because Maeve wanted to go on the mission but of course, Remus knew that was ridiculous. Sometimes he thought that she forgot she was actually pregnant.

"But I'm super early into the pregnancy!"

"Three and a half months isn't super early! Are you out of your mind?"

After they had both nearly lost their minds arguing with each other, Maeve finally relented and agreed to not go. For the baby. Oh Merlin...they were having a baby?! She still didn't believe it was true, even when it felt as if her stomach was swelling more and more every day.

"I'm going!" Remus called to Maeve.

"Oh, can I at least come with you to headquarters?" She begged, running into the room as she hopped into her shoes.

"I don't know..."

"Come on, you're not letting me on the mission at least let me have this!"

"I don't want you in any danger, love," he sighed.

"HQ is the safest place, I'll be fine," she said, before kissing him on the cheek. "Ready to go, then?"

He sighed again, before pressing a short kiss to her lips, "fine. Let's go by floo."

She cheered and followed him to the fireplace.

"The Order of the Phoenix Headquarters," Remus announced, before throwing the floo powder down to the floor of the fireplace.

They left in an eruption of green flames and arrived at HQ where other members were also apparating in. There was an electric atmosphere...it was anticipation, excitement, fear. No one was really talking, as if psyching themselves up for the last mission of the Order. Hopefully it wouldn't end fatally.

Remus held Maeve's hand and walked into the room. They nodded at Dumbledore who already knew that Maeve wouldn't be going on the mission, and he knew why. They had sent him a letter the day before, when Maeve had finally agreed to not go.

The couple approached their friends who were sitting around anxiously. Maeve stood beside Sirius and put a hand on his shoulder.

"How are you guys feeling?" Remus asked gently.

Lily exhaled before saying, "good. I'm feeling good. I'm ready to kick this bastard's arse."

"Same," Sirius said, before looking at Maeve sharply. "You're not going, are you?"

"Oh, um, no I'm not," she said very quietly to him.

"Wait, why aren't you coming?" Marlene asked.

Maeve looked at Sirius in annoyance, to which he smiled apologetically.

Maeve sighed and exchanged a look with Remus before saying slowly, "I...I'm...pregnant."

"What?!" Lily breathed out in disbelief, a smile beginning to grow on your face. "Are you really?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure," she nodded with a laugh.

"Oh my God," Marlene covered her mouth.

"That's amazing news, guys!" James said.

Remus held Maeve's hand and said, "We're sorry that it's not the best circumstances to be announcing anything like this bu-"

He was interrupted by Lily coming up to hug both him and Maeve, soon joined by James who wrapped his arms round all of them. Then Marlene and Dorcas joined the hug too.

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Where stories live. Discover now