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"This short?"


"I don't want to cut it that short!! Your hair is so beautiful!"

"It's MY hair! So cut it!"

Maeve was sitting in the dorm bathroom with Cissa behind her, trying to get Cissa to cut her hair. It was not working. The thing was, for most of her life, Maeve had had enviably long, blonde hair. Obviously it was beautiful being that long, but it had started to become a pain in the ass and Maeve felt as if she needed a change. Cissa disagreed. She loved Maeve's hair more than Maeve loved it.

"Cissa, I will pay you five galleons if you cut my hair right now," She said impatiently.

"Okay," Cissa near whimpered.

She took the scissors and cut a big section of the hair. As they watched the blonde hair fall to the floor, a massive grin planted itself onto Maeve's face.

"Do the rest of it!" Maeve said excitedly.

"Okay, okay, sit still."

Cissa spent the next twenty minutes cutting the rest of the hair and perfecting it so it was all straight and equal. It actually looked good, which Cissa was very surprised about.

"I feel so hot right now," Maeve said, fluffing up her hair slightly, "Red lipstick would go well with this."

"I have to admit, you were right. It looks good," Cissa said, nodding at Maeve's reflection.

Maeve hummed in agreement, carefully applying red lipstick. Now that...that was good.

"Thank you for all this, doll," She said, checking her watch, "But I need to run, got stuff to do."

"Since when was Remus called stuff?" Cissa said, smirking.

"Shut up," Maeve laughed, "I'll be back in a bit."

"Have fun!" Cissa cooed,

Maeve rolled her eyes as she left the dorm room. Really, she was on her way to do more of the potion. She had figured that if she got the timings exactly right, she would be done by August and so could leave the Dark Lord's servitude in seventh year. Perfect.

"Ah, Miss Iverson, perfect timing," Dumbledore greeted her as she entered his office.

"Hello, Sir, how are you? She asked.

Small talk was never to Maeve's liking, but she was trying to better herself.

"I am just marvellous, my dear, and yourself?" He asked, his eyes gleaming happily.

"I'm good, thanks, just anxious to get the potion done," She said, "As soon as I can leave the Dark Lord, the better."

"About that, Miss Iverson, I do have something I would like to discuss with you. Perhaps go and work on the potion, and when you are finished, come back and we can have a chat," He said, smiling kindly at her.

Those EYES man...they made her trust him. Perhaps trusting someone who could manipulate you with just their eyes was dangerous, but she didn't have any other options.

"Of course, Sir, I won't be long," She nodded, leaving the room.

"Miss Iverson!"

She turned back, "Yes, Sir?"

"Your hair looks great."

"Oh," She turned slightly pink, "Very kind of you, Sir, thank you."

He nodded at her, before turning back to what he was reading. Strange man.

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Where stories live. Discover now