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Today was the day. It was James and Lily's wedding.

"Maeve, have you seen my lipstick?" She heard the panicked shriek of the bride from the bathroom.

"You checked your makeup bag?"

"Ummm...oh yeah! Found it! Thanks!"

Since Lily's family were Christian, the couple had agreed to get married in the church near Lily's parent's house where all of Lily's muggle relatives would be, before having a reception with just the magical folk in James' parents' huge house and back garden.

Currently, the bridal party were getting changed in Lily's bedroom in James and Lily's own house.

Lily's bridal party was just made up of the three girls: Marlene, maid of honour, and the bridesmaids, Maeve and Dorcas. Lily's older sister, Petunia, was far from impressed that she hadn't been picked as a bridesmaid, but it was understandable on Lily's part considering Petunia didn't like James anyway (or Lily for that matter).

"I love weddings," Dorcas sighed as she curled her eyelashes, "they're so beautiful."

"Not when they drag on, then they're boring," Marlene muttered.

"Hey, I heard that!" Lily said from the bathroom.

"I didn't mean yours will be boring!"

"I think it'll be fun," Maeve said, "watching two people you care about getting married, being that happy, it's great."

"I agree with Maeve," Dorcas said.

"Okay," Lily walked into the room, "how do I look."

Chorus of gushing compliments came from the girls as they rushed to her excitedly.

"This dress is huge, but perfect," Marlene said as she stroke the material of the skirt as if entranced.

"Would you like me to take a picture of you at some point? Just with my camera, it'd look great!" Maeve said.

"You brought your polaroid?" Lily asked.

"Of course, tonight's the perfect night for pictures," Maeve said with a grin, before going back to the mirror and doing a final check of her appearance.

All the bridesmaids were wearing light blue dresses, matching with the groomsmen. Remus had shown Maeve his suit the night before and she got incredibly excited for how adorable they would look in matching colours. Remus then reflected on the amusing fact that fifth-year Maeve would find present-day Maeve absolutely nauseating.

"Everyone ready?" Lily asked.

They all nodded and after a moment apparated to the church to meet Lily's Dad who would walk her down the aisle, the groomsmen - Remus and Frank, and the flower girl, Lily's younger cousin, Eliza.

"You look beautiful," Remus told Maeve as she took his arm and they walked into the church.

She took in his appearance too, the light blue of the suit bringing out his eyes in a way that made her breathless, but all she said was, "you don't look too bad yourself."

"Cheers," he said with a big grin.

The procession began. First Marlene went, followed by Dorcas who walked hand-in-hand with the small flower girl, then Maeve and Remus walked together. They got to their spaces at the front, parting, Maeve going to stand beside Dorcas and Remus beside Frank and Sirius (the best man).

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Where stories live. Discover now