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The train ride home for the Christmas holidays was pretty quiet. That is at least, for Maeve and her friends.

"Um, when is this dinner you're all supposed to be going to?" Dahlia asked.

"On new years eve," Liz said quietly.

"Are you scared?" She asked.

"No," Maeve gave a stern look to her friends.

"Speak for yourself," Cissa said, "Maevey it's okay to be scared, you can admit it everyone feels the same."

"I'm not scared, Cissa," Maeve snapped back.

"Who do you know who's going to be there?" Reg asked curiously.

"Well, from my knowledge, the Dark Lord invited me, Maeve, Cissa, Liz, Alecto and Amycus Carrow, Snape...oh and Crabbe and Goyle," Barty listed, "I think that's it for now."

"Yeah, he told my parents he's starting off with a small amount of people and will build it up from there," Liz nodded.

"That's so cool, like you guys are so lucky," Dahlia said wistfully.

"Yeah, we are," Barty smirked.

"I wonder what it will be like, the dark mark I mean," Maeve thought aloud, "I'm excited for it. I love tattoos."

"But it'll hurt," Cissa said, pursing her lips together slightly.

"Stop being a pussy, Cissa, we'll survive," Liz grinned, "and after this we'll be more than just surviving, we'll be living."

"He could be the most powerful wizard in the world one day, maybe even now," Maeve agreed, "it's only intelligent to join him."

"I'm gonna go get some stuff from the trolley, anyone wanna come with?" Barty asked.

"I will," Maeve said

But she had different intentions then just getting a snack.

They stepped out of the compartment and walked down the corridor.

"What are you getting?" Barty asked.

"Actually, Barty, I needed to talk to you," Maeve didn't make eye contact with him, "can we find an empty compartment or something?"

"Oh," He looked at her curiously, "sure."

They kept walking and soon found an empty compartment. He followed her in and they sat down before she flicked her wand at the door so it locked.

"Okay, so we need to talk," Maeve started.

"This doesn't sound good," Barty said with a nervous laugh.

"It's not a big deal," She started, "I just feel like I've been leading you on..."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I don't like you, Barty," She said, deciding to be blunt rather than dragging it out.

"Oh," He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "But I thought...I mean what about last summer?"

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