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"Maeve, come on, wake up! We gotta go to breakfast."

Maeve opened her eyes, wincing in pain. Her right eye felt swollen, obviously from the punch from the previous night.

What a shit night that was.

She groaned as she sat up in bed, her wrists weak. She gently touched her face, hissing in pain when she touched her cheek and her eye, which were both swollen and very sensitive. She felt some dried blood on her face as well. Brilliant.

"Fucking hell, what happened to you?" Liz asked.

"I'll be fine," She said in a hoarse voice, "Go on to breakfast, I probably won't be in today."

Liz looked at her sympathetically for a moment before leaving, but Cissa stayed in the room.

"Maevey," She said softly, in disbelief, "Who did this to you?"

"I think it was my fault," Maeve whispered, "That's what he said."

"Who?" Cissa came to sit on her bed.


"Barty did this to you? That bastard, I'm gonna kill him," Cissa said furiously and stood up.

"No, Cissa, don't. It's okay," Maeve held out a hand to try and sit her back down.

"No it's not, fucking hell, Maeve - look at your wrists!" Cissa yelled.

"Please don't shout at me," Maeve said, looking down at her wrists which sure enough were green and purple with bruises.

Cissa's face softened and she sat down, taking Maeve's hand gently.

"Do you want me to get Remus?" She asked quietly.

"Remus isn't speaking to me at the moment."


So Maeve explained everything that had happened the past few days. She told her about how she found Sirius panicking in a broom closet and how she had comforted him, but Remus got the wrong idea through Potter and thought that she was cheating on him. She told her then that Remus didn't believe the truth when Sirius told him, and then she saw him getting close with Marlene Mckinnon at the dance and how upset it made her.

And then she went on to explaining what happened with Barty. About how he kissed her, touched her...attacked her. How he got upset when she didn't want to do it with him.

"Why are you crying?" Maeve laughed through her tears at Cissa.

"I just, I can't believe this happened, I care about you so much," Cissa sniffled, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her robe, "I'm sorry I wasn't there, I could have stopped him."

"It's okay," Maeve smiled weakly at her friend, "It will all be okay. Oh, and please don't speak to Barty about this. The last thing I want is for you to be involved or for it to become a big deal."

"But it is a big deal! Maeve, he assaulted you," Cissa said stubbornly.

"Well he didn't really know what he was-"

"He assaulted you."

"Yeah, okay," Maeve sighed tiredly, "You're right, I know you are. I just don't want to it to be true."

"It'll be okay," Cissa said, her eyes wide and honest.

"Thank you," Maeve squeezed her hand for a moment.

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Where stories live. Discover now