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"Best movie ever, nothing can beat it, I swear."

"Just because it's your favourite movie doesn't mean it's the best movie, hun," Maeve told Remus as she turned off the TV.

"Um...were we just watching the same film?" He asked, making her laugh. "Singing in the Rain is just superior."

"If you wanted me to agree you should have put it in your wedding vows, otherwise I'm free to argue that in fact When Harry Met Sally is the best movie."

He spluttered and stood up from the sofa, staring at her in betrayal, his mouth gaped open like fish, "You can't be...you hated that film, you have to be kidding."

"Of course I'm kidding, idiot!"

"Oh, good," Remus sighed in relief.

"Would that have been enough for you to divorce me? She asked, amusement playing on her lips.

"You not agreeing that Singing in the Rain is the superior film would have been enough."

"Well..." she trailed off, before bursting out with laughter at the look he gave her. "Kidding, kidding, of course I think it'a superior. It was one of the first films you ever showed me, remember?"

He grinned and flopped down beside her again, putting his arm round herm "of course I remember."

"And then I gave you that tattoo, the umbrella."

"And I still love it."

"Do you still love me? She asked, a futile question since they both knew she knew the answer, but she wanted to hear it anyway.

"Well..." he trailed off, but laughed loudly at the look he got. "I'm kidding, of course I love you. Now you know how it feels."

She pouted and gave him the evils, "that wasn't nice."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," he laughed before taking her hands in his. "Maeve?"

She smiled and played along, "why yes, Remus?"

"I love you. And I will never stop loving you."

"Alright, Dolly Parton," she waved him off before giggling and leaning her head onto his shoulder. "I feel the same."

"You know, I'm so proud that you can just slip muggle pop culture references into conversation now," he said, before putting a finger under her chin to lift her face to look up at him before kissing her.

She hummed contentedly and kissed him back, before pulling away. He pushed a piece of blonde hair out of his face.

"I can't believe you didn't even know what a movie was before we started dating."

She pressed another kiss to his lips before saying, "and now look at me."

"I love looking at you..."

She laughed, "Oh, shut up."

They kissed again and she shifted so she was now straddling his lap. He had his arms comfortably around her waist as she fiddled with the collar of his sweatshirt. After a few moments he helped pull off her t-shirt so she was left in her bra. He kissed her neck a few times before going back to her lips. She had begun pulling up his shirt when Sirius burst through the front door.

"Sirius!" She exclaimed in annoyance, jumping off of a rather flustered Remus

"Oh, I'm-"

"Have you never heard of knocking?!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't realise you'd be...um...busy."

"It's okay, mate," Remus waved him off, getting up.

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Where stories live. Discover now