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Finally, it was the end of term. Maeve felt as if her heart could burst with excitement, feeling with every day she was one day closer to reversing the unbreakable vow and finally being able to escape the Dark Lord. Of course, she would still have to be a part of that world as a double agent, but it would be so much easier because if something was going to happen she could warn Dumbledore and it could be stopped! Finally, she could save lives instead of causing their end. It was something she had wanted for a while.

As they sat in the Great Hall, Maeve had to try very hard to push down a massive grin. She kept making eye contact with Remus, who she was sure was in the same boat as her. Soon she would be free, and they were both happy as hell.

"Another year, flown by! Of course we say a warm farewell to our seventh years, but we must be optimistic with the knowledge that these students will go on to make Hogwarts proud, as will every one of you, I'm sure," Professor Dumbledore said, before clapping his hands excitedly, "And we have our house cup winners, with an astonishing 753 points: Ravenclaw!"

The Ravenclaw table cheered joyously, joined by the half-hearted applause of all the other houses. Ravenclaw kicked ass at gaining house points, mostly because all of them were so freakishly intelligent, worked hard and actually enjoyed to learn...weirdos in Maeve's opinion. Sometimes she wondered what would have happened if she was put in Ravenclaw, but then she would laugh at herself because there was NO WAY she would ever be smart enough.

"Smartasses," Reg grumbled.

"Don't worry Reggie, you and Lia still have two years to beat them, we only have a year left," Cissa said, before turning to the others, "You lot ready to be seventh years?"

"Yeah, I'm ready to leave," Liz said.

"Same," Severus said, looking coldly over at the Gryffindor table where James Potter had his arm resting around Lily Evans' shoulders who, for once, wasn't pushing him off.

"I'm not," Cissa said, "I don't want to leave you guys."

"Don't be an idiot, we'll still be together after Hogwarts, we're all...going into the same job, I guess," Liz said.

"It won't be the same," Cissa stuck out her lower lip sadly.

"It won't," Maeve said, gripping her hand, "But that's okay. It's a new stage of our life Cissa, let's be excited about it!"

Cissa looked at her, her eyes becoming sadder (if possible). Cissa knew that it definitely would not be the same because Maeve wouldn't be there anymore. Despite Maeve not actually telling her what was going on with the whole potion thing, she knew Cissa knew something was going on. Cissa knew she would leave her.

≿ ———————— ❈ ———————— ≾

The atmosphere in the train back was buzzing, happy. People were happy to go home, a feeling Maeve was not familiar with, but she could relate to their happiness. She was happy too.

This summer she would be spending a lot of time with Remus. They would be completing one of the final steps to the potion: visiting each continent to collect water from the native rivers. She was so close to finishing the process, but this final step could make or break it, it was vital they did it properly...and once they did, she would be free.

"Did you see in the paper that those aurors have been taken? You know, the ones we were discussing in the meeting a few months ago?" Regulus asked Maeve as they sat beside each other on the train.

The rest of the group were chatting above them, a blanket to hide their own conversation.

"Yeah, I did," She said, "I don't want to think about it really."

"No...me neither," He whispered, "I don't want to think about any of it."

She looked at him for a moment, her green eyes studying his own stormy ones. He looked away, his eyes now focusing determinedly on the green blur outside. And then it clicked.

Wait a second...

"It's really hard to deal with," She said quietly, looking hopefully at him.

Did he want to defect like her?

"It is," He nodded, "Sometimes I wish I was born in a different family."

Oh sweet Merlin...

"It would be a lot easier, wouldn't it?" She said, before giving his hand a squeeze, "It will be okay, Reg, you know that?"

He nodded silently, biting his lip nervously, looking out the window still.

"Reg, look at me."

He sighed, before turning to look at her. That was not a happy face, she understood why now.

"I know how you feel," She said, before widening her eyes slightly at him, trying to make him realise what she was saying.

"You...what?" He asked.

"Write to me over the summer, okay? I'm working on something, going to all seven continents to pick up seven different river waters," She said.

He was amazing at potions, better than her by far, probably even better than Severus. The amount of times she had come back to the common room late at night and he was still reading his potion textbook was crazy. If she was really very lucky, he would know what she was talking about. If she was really really REALLY lucky...

...come on Regulus...

...After a couple moments of him looking at her she didn't think he would get it, but then his eyes widened and he breathed in too sharply and began to cough.

"You alright, Reg?" Liz laughed.

"Yes, yes, fine," Reg said with a small grin, waving her off, before turning back to Maeve and whispered, "What the fuck, Maeve? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"What? Did I say something wrong?" She said innocently, before winking at him, "Just write me over the summer, okay?"

"I will. I will, definitely."

She nodded, patting his hand.

He wasn't alone, and she was learning that neither was she.

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