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"And you just need to sign here, and here," the muggle landlord said, pointing to the spots on the paper.

Maeve hastily signed it, and then slid it over to Remus who signed it too.

"And here's your key," the landlord passed the keys to Remus, "welcome to the building."

"Thank you," Remus smiled at the landlord as he left the flat, closing the door behind him.

"Oh Merlin!" Maeve breathed, looking round at their flat, "it's all ours!"

"It's perfect," Remus smiled in satisfaction, before pulling her into a big hug.

"Man, I'm so happy," she said, hugging him back tightly.

"Let's invite everyone over," he said.

"But we don't have any furniture," she giggled.

"We'll sit on the floor."

"Okay, you apparate to James and Lily's then and invite them, I'll go downstairs to get Sirius," Maeve said, pressing a kiss to his lips, "and tell them to bring their own booze, yeah?"

"Oh yeah," he kissed her once more before stepping away, "bye love."

He apparated away and she stayed still for a moment, looking round their new apartment, before leaving to go get Sirius.

"Sirius!" She called as she knocked on his door.

The door flew open and he appeared in front of her, "hi sweetheart, what can I do for ya?"

"We just moved in!"

"Oh shit yeah! I forgot about that," he exclaimed, before pulling her into a hug, "welcome to the building!"

"Thank you!" She squeezed him back, "wanna come hang out with us now? Remus has just gone to invite Lily and James."

"Sure, let me just grab my jacket."


"Because...oh yeah, you only live two floors up now," he realised.

"Dumbass," she grinned, "also do you have any alcohol you could bring along?"

"Muggle beer?"

She shrugged, "why not."

He went into his kitchen and she heard the clinking of bottles before he came back out with two cases of beer. She took one from him to help, and after he had locked his door they made their way back up the stairs to their new flat.

"Is the apartment nice, then?" Sirius asked as they walked up the stairs.

They got to the door and Maeve pulled out her keys.

"It's amazing," Maeve said as she opened the door, "very empty right now though."

"Oh yeah," Sirius said, looking round the furniture-less apartment.

They went to the kitchen and Sirius took out two bottles of beer, opening them, and handed one to Maeve. She grinned and took it from him, before raising the bottle to her lips and taking a long gulp. Sighing in satisfaction, she walked over to the middle of the empty living room and sat on the hard floor.

"Come on," she called to him as he looked at her in disbelief.

"I have a bony butt, Maeve, it's gonna hurt," he said.

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Where stories live. Discover now