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"Honey, I am flipping out about this ball, what if Lucius doesn't ask me? It's tonight!"

"He'll ask you, Cissa, aren't you two 'betrothed' or something anyway?" Maeve said disinterestedly as she scanned a particular page in her potions textbook.

"Well yeah, but so what? I've seen him looking at other girls, what if he doesn't like me anymore? What if he wants to back out of all this?," Cissa muttered, pouting.

"You'll be fine," Maeve dismissed, "Now, can we please focus on this potions assignment? It's due tomorrow and I've barely started."

"Don't you care about my problems?" Cissa asked, half-joking.

"Of course I do, babe, but now is not the time-"

"You know what, I think I might go and study with Liz. At least she cares."

"Hey, that's not fair," Maeve tried to stop her.

"No, you know what's not fair?" Cissa gathered her stuff up, "My best friend doesn't even care when I tell her about stuff that's really hurting me. I might normally pretend I'm okay when you're doing that whole 'tough love' thing, but I'm NOT."

And with that, Cissa stormed away from a stunned Maeve. What the hell? What had she done? Oh yes, she had been a bitch to her best friend. Makes sense.

Now Cissa and Remus, the two most important people in her life, were mad at her. Brilliant.

She sighed, raking a hand through her blonde hair. Being a human with actual human relationships and feelings was very exhausting, she didn't enjoy it.

Right, yes, potions potions potions.

Nope, she couldn't focus. She got up, frustrated, and gathered up all her stuff. She then walked out of the library, not even giving a second look to the young librarian that was glaring jealously at her.

As she walked down the corridor, she saw Remus and his friends walking down towards her and the library. Perhaps Sirius had told him by now? As they approached each other, she opened her mouth to start to ask if they could talk but he just sent her a deathly glare and walked straight past her.

Sirius, at the back of the group, wasn't so lucky. She grabbed his arm as she walked past and dragged him to the wall of the corridor, away from the people walking.

"What? What do you want Iverson? How are you this strong?" Sirius whined as she finished dragging him.

"You haven't told him yet."

"I haven't found the right time!"

"You need to tell him, Sirius," She said.

"What, for me or for you?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at her.


"That's what I thought. It's okay, I pinky promised I'd do it and I will, I'll do it tonight at the ball, okay?"

"Okay, thank you," She said, looking down at her feet, "I'm sorry I'm pushing this, it just needs to happen."


She looked up at him.

"Are you and Remus together?" He asked.

She hesitated, how would she answer that? They were together, of course, despite the fact that he wasn't speaking to her at present, but she didn't know if she could tell Sirius.

"I promise I'll keep my mouth shut," He put a friendly hand on her arm, "You can trust me."

"Okay..." She smiled awkwardly, "Um, yeah, I guess, we're together."

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Where stories live. Discover now