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It was the day before the Hogwarts students had to congregate on the Hogwarts express and head to school for Maeve's sixth year. There was a planned death-eater meeting somewhere in London today, so a lot of death eaters had gathered in various inns and pubs in the area.
Maeve and her friends had chosen the leaky cauldron, and were going to stay there the night before having to leave for Scotland the day after.

"How was your summer, Maevey?" Cissa asked happily, playing with Lia's hair.

"It was good thanks," Maeve smiled amusedly at Cissa's giddiness, "I'm guessing yours was good as well?"

"Oh yes, I spent so much time with Lucius. He's really nice to me," Cissa smiled to herself, "I actually really like him, and I'm lucky enough to know I'm guaranteed to marry him as well.

"You guys had sex?" Barty asked.

"Wow unnecessary," Regulas scowled at Barty, "why does everything have to be about sex?"

"Okay, prude," Maeve said with a small smirk.


"Woah, okay my arm's starting to hurt," Dahlia got up.

Lia and Reg had gotten their dark marks at the start of the summer, this would be their first meeting.

"Yep, time to go," Maeve stood up, brushing down her skirt, "everyone ready?"

Her friends nodded back at her, and they all closed their eyes to go to wherever the dark lord was summoning them.

It was apparation, but not properly because really they didn't have to do any work, it was all through the magic of the dark lord.

When Maeve opened her eyes she was looking out a long, wooden table. Many death eaters she knew were already silently seated on some chairs round it. Her friends had apparated in front of some various chairs round the table as well, but she was away from that.

"Maeve, sit beside me," She heard the soft, manipulative voice ring in her mind, making her wince.

But she smiled.

She turned and saw the Dark Lord sitting at the head of the table, Bellatrix already at the seat to one side of him, an empty seat on the other side. She made her way over, giving a small smile to Bellatrix in greeting.

She stopped in front of the Dark Lord, bowing before him.

"Hello Maeve, please, sit," His pale eyes examined her, twitching slightly in what looked to be an attempt at friendliness.

She took her seat. Clear your mind, Maeve, make it blank.

She felt him pry, his powerful mind desperately trying to look into hers. But he found nothing. She watched as his lips upturned slightly in satisfaction, in his eyes she was his perfect follower.

"Good-evening all," He rose to his feet suddenly, making the entire room fall silent, "For some this is your first meeting with us, I welcome you. My friends, this is the start of a new age. An age of magical purity, the destruction of the "inclusive" wizarding community we have now, and our global domination."

Maeve could see many death-eaters down the table, including Bellatrix, nodding in agreement.

"Are you with me?"

Some murmers of agreement.

"I said, are you with me?" He roared.

The death eaters down the table yelled back in response, some even pounding the table in the excitement.

Yep, Maeve was definitely part of a cult. Great.

≿ ———————— ❈ ———————— ≾

"Now, let the feast begin!"

Maeve was now sitting round another table, this time at Hogwarts. It was the first evening of term, all the first years had been sorted, and Maeve finally felt safe.

It was odd, why was it at Hogwarts she felt the most stable and safe? Not at her actual house with her family, but here with her friends. And Remus. Wouldn't it be cool if Remus was her family. She should marry Remus-

WOH. Okay. Stop. Chill out, Maeve. No ideas about marrying yet, thank you very much.

But with that she looked warily to the Gryffindor table and caught his eye easily. He gave her a small but fond smile, which made her cheeks go completely pink. She looked away. Fuck off, feelings.

"So, how are you all feeling about the meeting?" Regulas asked quietly.

"Not now, Regulas," Liz scolded, "wrong place. We'll talk about it later."

"I was just making conversation, I'm excited about it is all," He grinned, tucking into his chicken.

"Excited?" Maeve asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well yeah, world domination...can't deny it gives you a thrill when you hear those words," He said dreamily, putting down his fork for a moment, "and we'll have that. We'll be with him when that happens, all of us together. Aren't you excited?"

"Of course, when you put it like that," Maeve laughed slightly.

"I think he has a bigger plan though."

Everyone turned to look at Snape. Bigger plan?

"Bigger than the world?" Liz asked.

"Not physically bigger. But I think he's got a less vague plan than just global control. I believe he has targets, and whatever he's planning for the future, he's beginning to put in to place right now."

Silence for a second.

Wow, Snape was smart.

"You might be onto something there, Severus," Maeve nodded her head thoughtfully at him.

"Yes, very insightful," Reg nodded.

"Cheers to that," Barty held his glass of water up.

"Cheers," Maeve snorted, and clinked his glass, everyone else following suit.

She'd be fine if she had her friends with her. Through 'world domination' and whatever would happen, she'd have them.

Unless they found out about Remus, then she'd be fucked.

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