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"So, what do we already know about the horcruxes?"

Their first Order meeting back since they became aurors. And the last discussion of the meeting? The horcruxes.

"Well, horcruxes are part of someone's soul, and help them to be immortal. If you destroy all horcruxes then the person becomes mortal and easier to kill," Lily said.

"But destroying a horcrux isn't easy, the method used has to be a very powerful magical process," Remus put in.

"Correct," Dumbledore said, leaning back in his chair thoughtfully, "Now, I tried desperately to look through Voldemort's mind using legilimensy, but it was very challenging. His mind is blocked up, and it's almost impossible to penetrate it. However, I did see one image."

"Was it one of the horcruxes?" Alice asked.

"No, but...it was the Hogwarts crest," Dumbledore said.

"I wonder what that means," Gideon Prewett said, his face contorting in confusion.

"Maybe one of the horcruxes is in Hogwarts?" Frank suggested.

"Perhaps," Dumbledore nodded.

"Sir, no disrespect, but I think it might be a bit naive to assume that this image you saw was genuine, and it wasn't Voldemort trying to confuse you or throw you off the scent," Maeve said cautiously, "He's been growing stronger in his occlumensy and legilimensy for a while, I don't think we should cross out the option that this isn't a lead at all, but a trick."

"Perhaps you may be right, Maeve, but it's the only lead we have," Dumbledore chuckled, "Let's hold onto it for now."

"Okay," She put her hands up, nodding.

"Sir, I just received a letter from the Minister giving the all clear on putting any dark wizards following You-Know-Who in Azkaban," Moody said, entering the room.

"Good, that's where we can put Dolohov," Dumbledore said, looking at Maeve and Remus.

Maeve gripped Remus' hand a bit tighter out of instinct.

"It's under expansion right now, and more dementors are being added," Moody said.

A few of them shuddered, dementors were nasty.

"Thank you, Alastor, does anyone have anything else to add before the end of this meeting?" Dumbledore asked.

No one said anything, a few people shaking their heads.

"Brilliant," Dumbledore clapped his hands, "Meeting adjourned."

They stood up, all starting to split off and disapparate.

"Do you guys wanna come hang out at ours?" Remus asked.

"Oh yeah, sure," Lily said, holding James' hand, "We'll come."

"Oh! Me too!" Sirius joined them excitedly.


They all apparated outside of the Lupin household.

"Anyone fancy a cuppa?" Remus asked.

"Me!" Maeve nudged him, "I'll race you."

And she took off running. He let out a yell of laughter and followed her, trying to overtake her, but not doing very well.

Lily, James and Sirius followed behind them at a more leisurely pace, leaving the couple be.

"Sirius, we're thinking of getting a flat near you," Lily said.

"Oh yeah? That'd be awesome!" Sirius grinned.

"Catch up, guys!" Remus called from inside the house.

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