Chapter 27

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Run forest run

I always thought that I would spend Christmas with either my family or with Wakatoshi but neither of those things seem real anymore. Mum is with her family back in Miyagi while Dad and the boys are back in America. Wakatoshi clearly doesn't love me, or ever did for that matter, he was just playing with my feels that's all.

What can I do but spend Christmas in the Japan's national youth headquarters dorms for the rest of the break? They still need to run some evaluations on me and then meet the team, but I got two days to myself and I'm not looking forward to it.

I even got him something prior to the cheating, I was that deep in love with him that the moment that I saw it I knew he would love it but now what's the point.

My phone's blowing up with texts from my friends, teachers, volleyball group chat and him. I throw my phone onto the bed while I twizzle around on the chair getting some studying down for entrance exams in January.

Tendo P.O.V

Its been a week since Y/n-chan unexpectedly left and 5 days since we found out it was one big misunderstanding, and he isn't holding up great. Wakatoshi looks like he's been dragged through a bush then trampled on my trash, that's his current state. Heck the guy can't even compute what we just told him.

Me and the others cornered him after practice and told him the news, me and Reon told Semi-semi and Hayato before hand so they weren't that surprised or ruin the comprehension time of the ace.

"You should keep texting her." Hayato tries to reassure the already broken man that sits with his back hunched over and a towel over his head, we idle in the locker rooms on the look out for any stragglers trying to come back in. no one gets to see this side of him, only us and Y/n-chan, well if she was here though.

"I don't know man, this sort of thing you tell in person. Especially when Y/n-san isn't even reading his texts." Semi-semi inputs his unnecessary opinion like usual.

"No one asked you semi-semi. Miracle boy don't give up, if you show signs of giving up then she'll never take you back." I pat his shoulder still no reaction. Me and the guys share a look.

"Actually, Wakatoshi-kun don't you have to go to Tokyo anyway for the National youth team meet up." Reon stands closet to the ace with his arms crossed leaning against the lockers. I look at him in shock, this is perfect, returning my gaze back onto my broken friend I just need to push him.

"Wa~ka~to~shi~kun," the said ace finally looks up the towel moving down to his neck revealing dried tear stains on his cheeks. "You love her, now don't you?" I hold my gaze and so does he, he nods but I need him to say it.

"You need to say it, how can you expect for Y/n-chan to understand when we don't. Do you want her to be taken away because that's what's going to happen if you don't admit that you love her? This all started because you never voiced it before." I walk closer slightly hunching over him, he seems smaller now that he's finally recognizing his feeling and is feeling like shit.

"Tendo." Semi voices seriously I keep my gaze while straightening back up.

"Go to her, tell her that you love her, tell her it was a big misunderstanding. We can't keep carrying you, she wants you, be determined and unbeaten. Be the man that she is forced to speak to, be the man that she admires." I place both of my hands on his shoulders.

"Wakatoshi-kun you're an idiot when it comes to love, this is your first love, most of the time they never bloom but yours did and that's rare. Don't let this chance slip through your fingers, go to her, tell her how you truly feel, I don't care if it's embarrassing or scary. You're going to withstand that shit to just be able to stand by her." Taking steps back hoping my something went through.

Its silent for a while, we all look at each other hoping that he didn't blank out or hoping that he's thinking about his next moves. Then he shifts and stands up.

"I'm not scared but I understand now. Thank you Tendo. I'm going to go." Smiling happily as I watch my baby eagle finally take his first steps to adulthood. He takes his bag and nods as his goodbye.

When its just us it just hits me.

"Guys, when he said that he's going, did he mean to the dorms or to Tokyo?" Semi-semi for once voices something that is needed.

Oh shit.

Reader P.O.V

I put on a pair of grey tracksuits and plop in my earphones for my evening run, the greyish clouded skies don't exactly look promising but hey ho the show must go on. Just as expected it began to rain and eventually snow on my way back to the dorms. I change and take a shower hoping to not catch a cold not when I am being tested in three days.

Urgh, its Christmas eve. Plopping down on my bed I upload one of the all-time best Christmas movies ever, Elf, Arthur Christmas, and the Santa clause trilogy. My all-time favourite films. (if they aren't your favourites insert your top three.) already in my comfy fluffy pink jumper and bottoms I'm about to snuggle up in bed when I hear a loud thumping sound.

Annoyed that I was about to get comfortable I strut up to the door to be greeted by the one person that I really don't want to see right now.

Oh, boiiii winkie wonkie time now, I've read a lot of smut for this shit so let's hope it turns out well. Don't at me for writing something that I know all of you are going to enjoy. Anyway, for this chapter its was kinda meh but showed a little on what you're doing and what everyone else is doing and can I just say Tendo is such a good friend.

I stan for that. Been thinking of making another reader x Shiratorizawa fic maybe on him or Shirabu who knows I've already got the chatfic and the OC one so...

Welp next chapter will contains SEX and some fluff but mostly sex. You can skip the chapter if ya want but I know eventually one day your curiosity will take over and you'll click on the chapter. Prewarning its going to be shit, like I'll try but don't get your hopes up or anything.

Vote and comment my lovely readers 😊😊

omg just done a massive fuck up and I just been editing the latest chapter when oh no i forgot to give you one like what the hell, I am so sorry for confusing you.

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