Chapter 11

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Nationals!! Part 1

We all managed to pass our exams and go to nationals.

I groan as I make sure that all the boys have arrived, it's too late or rather early for this shit it's only one in the morning, It's ridiculous but what can you do when you're the manager of the boys' volleyball team. I make the last checks before getting onto the bus, I make sure to sit in the back-window seat. I take out my earphones and my travel pillow hoping to zone back into sleep. Right now, I don't give two fucks on who sits with me as long as I get my sleep.

At some point along the way I feel a jolt which makes me flutter my lids open, something feels... different. I look to my left to see the fogged-up window I then turn to my right and have a mini heart attack, no wonder I was in such a deep sleep. I'm sleeping on Wakatoshi's toned body or rather his shoulder, man why is it so soft, I look further up to see that he's actually asleep too. His side profile is killer, and his jaw looks smooth as fuck, does this guy shave on a daily basis. Never took him as the type of guy to shave or maybe he just lets it grow, well from experience and what I've seen its pretty average down there, hehe. He's in sweats and a black hoodie that I'm so going to Knick in the future. Damn, I can just admire him for the next half of the trip and then-

"Why are you staring?" Shit. His groggy morning voice is HOT. Well that didn't register until he repeated himself again and turned to look at me, our faces were now inches apart.

Heat flushes to my cheeks, thank fuck that its barely light out, the passing of streetlamps cause his face to glow, fuck I'm getting turned on just by looking at him. This is bad I can feel the heat from down there and its rising. I open my mouth, but nothing comes out, why am I so flustered, girl get a grip.

"Uh... you see... you're just fucking hot that I couldn't help but stare, like have you seen your side profile cos damn son that that is... ho..t." I barely make out a sentence and when one did form it was my thoughts passing at that exact moment. Wakatoshi remains stoic like always giving me nothing to work with, I look him in the eyes but his seem to be elsewhere, is... is he looking at my lips?!!

I don't think what I said has registered with him yet or ever will as of right now I'm leaning towards his lips, it's been so long since I properly kissed someone well that's a lie. Not just a month ago I forced a kiss on the poor boy, that might have been his first kiss but do guys really care about that sort of thing anyway. Our lips soon crash into each other and I already feel like I'm melting, its warm but sweet, its just our lips locking together his hand soon caresses my cheek while mine find its way up his neck and tickling some parts of his hair.

This guy is sending me further down that lovesick rabbit hole which will soon either end badly for me or land me somewhere heavenly sweet for the both of us. His other hand closest to me begins to roam my body while mine grabs a tuff of fabric from his thigh and clench tightly until we hear snickers and chatter erupt, we break away turning away from each other.






I bite my lip as I huff out, my lips feel hot, my cheek feels hot, my hands feel sweaty and moist while everywhere else feels wet and tingling like I've been hit by a thunder of love. My hand is then engulfed in a much larger one, I glance down and then back up, Wakatoshi isn't looking my way but his ears are red and seems to be interested in what the group is talking about, I feel flushed, how can this fucker act so calm. Then I feel a squeeze, am I some sort of a reassurance cushion. Hey ho that was fucking great either way, but how does he feel about me? That's the crazy nerve-wracking thing here.

That pervy manager - Ushijima x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now