Chapter 5

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Practice weekend

Everyone knows that there's twenty-four hours in a day yet I simply can't find enough of those ticking seconds to scramble out of bed, wash myself, devour more than I can chew and still find time to look presentable. I might as well become one with the shaggy look at this point. I now stand just outside the two gym doors with anticipation gnawing on my lips, picking at my fingernails whilst the unrelenting trickle of the morning sun scorches my back. I don't know why I'm so anxious this should be a walk in the park its the boys that should be rueing the day that they ruined mine but looking back on it now maybe I am too much of a culture shock for them. I'm enough to handle as it is, I mean look at them have they really had any other outside interactions other than the filtered crap that the Japanese government considers safe for their younger viewers. Well that's bullshit since Japan handles their young, influential minds poorly considering their crime rates against women and outspoken people.

Their actions can't be blamed but their society can.

To some certain degree, I admit I can be too much at times, but I simply will rot away and die if I can't blurt out what I'm thinking. My maturity might have been stunted from having three older brothers and a caregiving sister, I grew up spoiled in my interracial household. My brothers are overbearing morons that'd rather scoff down the last pizza box than call me or Annabelle down and she was the pretty one, the amiable one that crossed bridges between us all. Getting my voice out and screaming to the top of my lungs sometimes was the only way to being heard and I guess that sort of pattern of thinking haunts me to this day. No one likes a loudmouth, an overachiever, someone who can speak their mind in an overly con-formative society.

Well, I guess people can go fuck themselves sideways because I'm not changing for anyone but for myself.

Gripping onto the handles a sudden shiver of tantalising richness pushes me forwards swinging the two doors open like the grand entrance that I deserve to have. Coach Washijo stands like an unmoving mountain his slow purposeful glare slides back onto me whilst much could be said about the scaredy cats hanging from the railings, each other and some even ready to throw some hands. Its laughable really but I withhold my sputters of joy for the smirking cat of wonderland I embrace the bio-field of sweaty teenage boys and a senile old man as mine.

They may be a bunch of bastards, but they are my bastards.

"I'm back bitches, did ya miss me!" Throwing my arms out wide, chest puffed out and a sardonic grin finally claiming my place back on the team.

Instantaneously a unanimous sigh parades through the gymnasium, they look back up with as much enthusiasm if they have just won nationals and to my surprise even the great Ushijima seems somewhat pleased of my return. In his own little expressionless way do I see the beginnings of a curling lip, coach on the other hand stalks over. A none too pleased glare spikes holes through my skull, flinching from his beckoning hand only to shiver from his condescending head pat. His wrinkled smile mimics my youthful before a crawling shiver douses down my spine as I only have mere moments to process a launching slender man rugby tackling me into a hug.

Tendou is ultimately pleased with his arms cradling around my torso that my feet dangle around in the air as we spin countless times enough so that I begin to hallucinate stars. Dropping back down with a thud he and the rest of the sorry lot break their backs in a full body prostration of a nighty-degree bow shouting from the tops of their lungs.

"We're very sorry. Please forgive us!"

I would much rather prefer them kissing the floor, but no one can be a winner these days, choking with laughter as I hulk smack their spines into a bone crushing hug. Ushijima receives special treatment seeing how he was the ringleader of assholes with starting this whole shebang, luckily for me he was the one to finish it. He's a man of his word, he finishes what he started and it makes a my grateful pussy throb. My arms have been aching for hours since he sent me that full body nude of him and yet having his body flush against mine just gets me going again.

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