Chapter 24

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Its mid- November and not much has changed, well for me and Wakatoshi that is I can say for certain that he didn't hear my embarrassing confession on the Halloween ball.

I later found out that many of the first years helped with Wakatoshi and his plans to have some alone time with me on the rooftop but honestly how dumb can he get.

I know that it's simply hard for him to express his emotions and needs some help, but I don't like all this meddling and his lack of intuition on the situation. I'm not asking for much just that he knows what he's doing and that he takes charge not relying on others to direct him.

Plus, now I feel like I wanted him to hear me, is it too soon to say those words, it may be, but I just want him to know and maybe he will reciprocate those feelings. Never have we been together has he said that he likes me, I get that he's an action speaks louder than words type of guy, but this is just disheartening now.

I want to hear it come out of his goddamn mouth now.

I want to know, I want to know, I want to-

"Uh, Y/n-san, are you okay?" Eita taps my shoulder for morning practice, I look at him a little dazed and realize that I haven't been recording any of the jumping measurements nor the blocking ones. Thankfully, Eita is right next to me and he has a somewhat photographic memory for these sorts of things.

I'll ask him after practice not wanting to alarm the others of my behaviour or to get the coaches attention. I close my notebook when everyone was done with jumping, I turn around seeing everyone packing up for today.

With that I watch them from afar.

I feel something growing inside of me and I don't know if it's a good or bad thing yet, it's slowly rooting itself in the dark crevasses of my mind.


What am I being stupid for? Wakatoshi just isn't the type to tell people how he feels, he shows them.

Now I feel like an idiot, but...

I did rush into things like an idiot as well, even before we dated, I was impulsive, rash and never allowed him to have a say anything, heck He MiGhT nOt evEN LiKE mE!!!!!

Why am I so dumb?

Why didn't I let him speak?

I'm a terrible person.

I know that he wants me, but does he like me.

Wanting and liking are two separate entities.

I'm just a fleshlight, while some other hoebag will come around the corner and that's when he'll say those damn three words every girl wants to hear. While I'll get the other three that always end in tears, two tubs of ice cream while I'm listening to a ton of Adele in a burial of blankets.

He doesn't love me.

Ushijima p.o.v

I don't understand what's Y/n's problem is, I can clearly see that's she's in distress about it. She hasn't said anything perverted or vulgar towards me for the past couple of days now. She's not talking in general which I find very odd with her normal behaviour with always showering me with inappropriate remarks and groping my backside while telling me about the latest tiktok trends and so on.

But I don't know how to talk to her, whenever I ask if something is wrong, she always smiles and says that she's fine, Tendo once told me that when girls say 'that it totally means the opposite'. But she seems fine whenever I look at her, nothing seems to be the matter except for the part that she's not being herself around me.

The ball was a success, everyone helped me out with the rooftop dance, and she seemed to love it, but I don't understand what's wrong with her now. I've caught her blankly staring at me a couple of times these past couple of days but whenever I ask if somethings wrong, she seems to grumble out an 'I'm fine' once again.

"What's got you down, Wakatoshi-kun?" Tendo-kun taps my shoulder while I place the shounen jump magazine that he lent me back down onto the bed.

"It's Y/n." he then made an 'ahh' sound before coming to sit on my desk chair and swiveld to be in front of me.

"She's been rather strange lately hasn't she, do you have any idea what could possibly stop our wonderful pervy manager from well being pervy?" Tendo rests his face on the back of his hands while giving me a wide smile, I look away trying to think. But nothing comes up.

What could possibly be wrong with my girlfriend?

Is she okay? Physically?

Is she not eating enough?

Did I do something wrong?

"Ah I know, it's that time of the month." I furrow my brows at him in confusion, he just chuckles at me, I feel the pit of my stomach turn.

"What's so funny?" thinking that he's laughing at me, but he waves his hand into the air as if that explains why he's laughing at me.

"Ah, Miracle boy, she's on her period. Y'know when girls...y'know what I mean right?" he gestures with his hands at his pelvis when he stands up, I still continue to look at him with confusion.

"Y'know what, just get her some of her favourite chocolate, blankets, period products and be all smoochy and cuddly. Girls love and that she'll love it, especially coming from you." I nod at him, not really understanding him but understanding what he meant, we learnt that last year in sex ed when girls go through periods and what that means.

Then this must explain her change in behaviour and that I haven't done anything wrong. I sigh in relief grabbing hold of the magazine once again to get back onto that beauty ad that I was reading.

Reader p.o.v

I should just go and ask him.

Yeah, I should do that and get rejected because then he'll set it straight with me that he never liked me in that sort of way and only uses me to pass the time. Yeah, I should totally talk to him to get a slap in the face for misunderstanding our relationship.

Nahh, I think I'll just stay here in my self-pity and wallow my woes away.

Sitting in my pool of tears isn't doing jackshit for me nor this lingering feeling of self-doubt when my boy toy is right there. Wait, no he isn't. I look up from my desk to see the one that's normally beside me empty, I am early for class, as in this room could be mistaken for a ghost town at this rate. Hayato is not even here, I hear voices outside the room so being lonely I go up to the door.

The distinctive deep sexy voice that always rings through my ears speaks out alongside with another unfamiliar one, that sounds girly, high pitched softly spoken. I peer my head out to see something that all my doubts about him being confirmed.

A girl with awfully bleached while ends, skirt riding up to her ass cheeks with her fucking thong disappearing into her ass crack, stroke my boyfriends' arm, and the worst thing is he's not pushing her away.

Everything just seems to break around me, I think I just woke up.

This better be a dream, not a nightmare because this can't be my reality.

The fucking miracle boy, super volleyball idiot is fucking cheating on me.

I slide past the door quickly going the other direction, hot tears run as my shattered heart dusts away like spider-man. Then the rage takes over as if I'm hulking out, clenching my fists so tight my palms are left aching with red crescent moons decorating my (s/c) skin.

Yo, I just did that. Trying to show the readers descend into her darkest feelings, y'know when you feel down about something and all your self-pity and fears start eating away at you trying to make you undeserving of what you've got due to self-doubt, that's what I tried to show you.

Stay tuned for shit is about to go DOWN.

Thank you for all your comments and votes though, you guys are cracking me up. Love you all <3 xoxo

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