Chapter 2

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First day

The school uniform could be better or maybe that's just me not having worn one since I was twelve, bloody hell I feel like I'm being suffocated, and I've already checked if the size was right three times already?! These pleated skirts are doing my head in just how short they are, and at this point you'll be able to see my ass cheeks not that I'm mad though the boys can look all they want just can't touch. But I don't particularly want to be prancing around like some slut on my very first day then again, I might as well ruffle some feathers while I'm at it.

Currently making my way to class after Himari had helped me to the third-year block not even a day after having a tour with her and I still need help, yikes. Her class is just one after mine thankfully but that also means being thrown into the deep end like some penguin jumping off the iceberg for the first time. That's fun. Luckily, I'm only in class 3 so if I need help, she's always a call away but from our chats I'm getting the feeling she's very much introverted.

Stepping into class and immediately the entire room quietens, damn I never knew I had that effect on people, all eyes home in on me. Rather than cower away from them like a scared little lamb would and I'm guessing bitchy Janet would love to see. I stride towards the back near the window like the damn main character that I am and wait, questions are for later but now I like to see how people will react to me.

I am a force to be reckoned with after all.

Soon the good old teacher rocks up to class and I just know everyone is waiting for my audition to class like some helpless little sod. He calls me up and as I walk past a few eyes catching, tasty men catch my attention, a really hot one and a sleepy one; oh my God they're only a few rows away from me. Tall, muscular and from this distance I can safely assume huge, big in my eyes and nothing else can be small about him. Short olive hair, neutral if not passive aggressive resting bitch face, this hot guy sits straighter than any pin boy in here with his crisp ironed-out uniform. I need a man that knows his way around an ironing board or me on that board for that matter. The other guy lounges as if he's never heard of a sleep cycle before, faded sides and spiky brown hair screams fuckboy energy and maybe when I feel fruity, I'll let him ride this stallion.

"Hello, my name is L/n Y/n, but please feel free to call me by my first name. I've recently moved here from America and would really appreciate it if you would treat me well." many of the students blink profusely at my welcoming statement, I'm beginning to think many people in rural Japan have never heard of being bilingual before.

Bowing I return to my seat and this time it's not just eyes of curiosity streaming my way oh no, I feel their gazes, heated and seething to rule above me. Oh boy are they about to have the time of their lives meeting me and once the bell rings and first period begins the pigeons flock over for self-study. Some vultures and whilst others – extremely sexy boys - stick close to the bubble I know they're leaning in closely.

Everyone likes a bit of gossip.

"So, what's America like?" The first question out of many asking me whether I know Lady Gaga or surprisingly enough am her. Others asked if my skin colour is real some even thinking it was funny to rub my hand to see if it would 'come off'.

During the whole curious-fest I know the cats are leaning in close to the edge waiting for their time to pounce, and oh wow does she have some melons on her. I can't really talk when I look at my own chest but that's a different story entirely. Chuggers over here with her bouncing breasts and extremely short if not cloth like handkerchief of a skirt graze my desk, I'm guessing that's a lovely view of her white lacey thong down there for everyone to see.

"Am I right in guessing you're related to that famous professional volleyball player?" Whipping back her horrendous corn like hair that looks more parched than her layered cherry lips.

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