Chapter 18

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///Warning/// assault for the first quarter of the chapter/// you can skip if you feel uncomfortable, it isn't detailed/// read at your own discretion, you have been warned.

Green eyed monster's part 2

It was the time and it was the place; am I seriously being pranked right now? Who knows?

This better be a joke, but I don't like being played at all, anyone that is doing this to me is going to get it, better than dealing with some creep. That's when I hear footsteps, I peer over to see a boy, he's rather large, broad build, meaty arms which are engulfed in his grey hoodie, while he wears grey knee-high shorts. I quirk a brow, this dude better be the guy.

"You came." He happily exclaims, so he is the guy. He takes a couple steps towards me; I watch him as I cross my arms at him standing my ground.

"Yeah, I came, now will you leave me alone. The presents, the bullshit messages, the constant texts, the creepy stalking needs to stop. I'm not interested, and I never will be. I've got a boyfriend. And who even are you?" I give away no emotion only plain firm rejection. That's the way to do it.

His mouth gapes open aspirated I guess, he then clears his throat, "That's funny, so you would rather be with an emotionless robot than a real man." I narrow my eyes at him clicking my tongue.

"Yeah, I really would, and Wakatoshi is no man he's a god, I worship him with my every being, he is mine and I am his. We're meant to be. End of. Goodbye." I brush my hair away from my face and walk past him until he grabs a hold of my arm and swings me against the wall, pinning my shoulders.

My eyes widen when my senses regain itself, he's kissing me, roughly, his fingers dig deep into my shoulders eventually bruising them.

My senses soon kick in while his disgusting slug of a tongue pushes past my teeth, I want to throw up. I fist my hand and punch hard onto his dick he doubles over, wanting to go in for another punch my overdrive takes over to run.

I keep running until the dark halls of the back building soon turn into trees and then into sunshine then into big strong arms, I drop into them already recognising the smell.

We both drop to the ground, I let everything get to me and show a side of me that not even my brothers have seen, I sob into his shoulders as his grip tightens. He doesn't ask, say anything, he just holds me close.

The whole night I didn't sleep, I didn't weep, I searched, scoured the net. I won't allow myself to be devoured by these emotions when my stalker and now attacker needs to be punished.

Now I sit and wait for the day to be over.

Wakatoshi didn't ask in the end, he took me to my dorm and let the girls know, they grasped the situation faster after knowing that I went against their concerns. I think he's waiting for me to tell him; I think that they are all, they all look at me like some experiment, its lunch I decided to sit with the team, Wakatoshi on my left clutching onto my side. I haven't emoted since what happened last night which has only plagued me to my very core.

I hate him.

I may be a perv myself, but I have NEVER laid my hands on someone without their consent nor have I pushed my feelings onto someone. Me and him are far from being the same, the audacity that he had to kiss me and touch me makes my blood boil.

"Urm...Y/n-chan, are you okay?" I look at Satori without moving, and then look at the rest of the table, they all wear the same expression of concern.

I look at him, he might be stoic and emotionless, but I can tell, his eyes show worry, and concern, he wants to know. But he respects me too much, I sigh and shift into position, I lean into him as I begin.

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