Chapter 1

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Being blessed by the Gods

Stepping out from the small little black cab that somehow got me here all in one piece. Those country roads be worse than the camping trips my family used to go on look like child's play, honestly, I am surprised anyone can get here from the city. But with that all out of the way I can now finally say, I'VE MADE IT! I want to scream it for the whole world to hear, Japan ever since you gave me anime I've always wanted to come and live here. Now that I am finally breathing in the fresh country air, standing on Japanese soil; the tingles between my legs grow warm.

Standing now outside the gates as many high school students walk by from all different walks of life, the tall lanky nerds and their black framed glasses to the suspicious goth kids and oh my God, them. Athletes, with their dreamy god-like bodies racking up more kills with their hidden muscles under their shirts to their veins popping and waiting for a firm squeeze. Oh my God, I think I just wet myself and not the pissing kind. A few now watch me as I walk by, and that's right boys you better keep your eyes on this ass because you have no idea what's coming to hit you like a truck.

Shiratorizawa academy has always been of interest of mine, not just because I'm a legacy here but far more than that, just look at those killer thighs, damn I would like to know what these boys be eating to get them to look like that. There's only one sport that can generate that much muscle in all areas of the body, Volleyball, not just my own sport but my family's as well. We live and breathe the sport as if it's become our second nature and now, I get to train in one of the top five countries in the world to producing the top players. That's why I'm here, I want to know, need to know what Shiratorizawa is hiding up their sleeves in becoming the best.

Sadly, for now I'll just have to suck it up and follow my moving-in instructions emailed to me from reception, at least I won't be far from my prey- the boys I mean. I only hope for tomorrow to come sooner, new people to meet and dreams to crush, it's just how I like my eggs in the morning. Despite each time almost having a human combusting rat race with myself with each hot dick swaying goodness walk by my nose still runs red. Shoving two tissue buds up my nostrils hoping to God that they can plug this dam for now, I finally reach main reception.

The lady before me sits stationed behind her large white desk with half of her desktop computer covering her features only the greying atop her crown can be seen. Grunting once I remove the tissues the clacking of the keyboard stops, she turns, and her eyes grow wide. I did do a lot of reading before coming to Japan, and foreigners in a rural area of Sendai are scarce, it's like finding a needle in a haystack. Just before her mouth moves to utter; probably trying her luck with English, I place down my moving-in slips unfolded from my pocket.

"L/n Y/n, third year, we've been emailing each other about my moving-in process for today?" thankfully my Japanese comes out as naturally as it comes, what can you do when your mother is in fact Japanese herself.

The woman buffers in her seat for a good thirty seconds before taking my slip and scanning the paper herself, her clear rimmed glasses clinks as she places them atop her head, the small silvery chain looping behind her ears. Standing up now the poor woman barely reaches my shoulder and that is with a few inches added to her heels. It's sweet how most women here are averaged out for 5'5 ft but I know better than to judge a book by its cover.

She leads me down from the visitor entrance to the side buildings where I'm assuming are the student residential blocks from the brochure. Still clean and proper as marketed by the picture, walking past level 1 and 2 before finally making it to 3. it's smart to separate each level by year and gender, from what I remember the boys block is just west of here not that I'm going to store that information other than for 'research'. Stopping just outside the tall white metallic door of 3B1, my door and as we wait for the student inside to open, my new roommate. The faint noise of someone saying 'coming' before the door clinks and juts to unlocking, and folding open to a girl, a short girl in fact.

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