Chapter 7

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Daddy's home

A couple of days have passed since the eventful day where I was a bad bitch and got 4 girls expelled, the three that ganged up on me and the one with the glittery phone case belongs to, got taken down. Dead. Zonked. Bye-bitch. The girls that were in the Fanclubs and cheer squads practically piss themselves whenever I am in the area, none of them have the balls to go against me after what happened.

All's is well now.

It's practice and I'm with the coaches as we both watch the teams progress after the intense training that we've been doing. Then grampa turns to me.

"We have a practice match coming this weekend with another strong school. Make sure that the boys are eating healthily before then and resting well." I nod completely forgetting to ask which school because I'm an idiot.

Lunch came and ever since the incident me and my friends have always joined the volleyball lot for lunch, we practically claim three tables now, all the third years are together. Bowl cut or Salty added to the mix like a bloody fruit salad, I always sit next to Wakatoshi; I like the feeling of protection that he gives when I sit close to him.

It's because he's daddy.

"Oh, before I forget coach said that we've got a practice match coming this weekend, so make sure to eat well and not get sick. I'm talking about you Bowl cut and Sleepyhead; I don't want to be dealing with any injuries or colds anytime soon." They both flinch while the rest of the team cheers in excitement.

"Yes mommy!" They groan while chowing down their food, I narrow my eyes at them causing them to choke.

That's right, karma is a right old bitch.

"Eat your damn food slower next time." I pat their backs before getting back into my seat. I go back to staring at my favourite man once again.

Butterflies will always turn my stomach into a mess whenever I see him eat, what would he look like if he ate me out. Oh my god mm mm that would be great. The whole team then stops looks me in the eye even Wakatoshi stops to look, I turn to them realizing I just moaned out loud, heat flushes to my cheeks but when I turned to look up, I saw the beginnings of a smile and that's I how died during lunch.

The final bell rings its final beat and I make sure to be extra speedy as I want to be the first one there, not wanting to get teased by the team. Once I get there, I see a very unpleasant sight, coach shouting over the phone until he huffs hanging up.

"L/n-san, you can come out now." Damn this old geezers' senses is off the charts, flinching I walk towards him.

"Something wrong?" I now stand near him to the side still clutching onto my school bag.

"The school that I planned the practice match with has cancelled, many of their players are sick, the damn morons they're meant to be athletes." He clenches his fist while changing his positions to folded arms.

"Can't we find another?" I ask already knowing the answer it's too close to the weekend now and next week the inter-high prelims begin. It was cutting it close if only there was a team free.

Light bulb moment.


"Coach I have a team that can play this Saturday actually." He looks at me slightly relieved.

"What school?" I shake my head and telling him, "They're not exactly a school but I can pull some strings to get them here by tomorrow, just don't tell the team that plans have changed." I grin like a Cheshire cat and the coach just sighs nodding.

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