Chapter 12

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Woohoo finally an update~ the nationals will go on for another chapter so for those that don't like reading that sorry I guess. Don't forget to vote and comment on any chapters. Now read to your hearts content. 😊

Nationals part 2

The hotel that we were staying at seemed to have some other teams here as well, while making my rounds as the manager I headed towards the water fountain. I was about to unscrew the first lid when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Excuse me but can we fill our water bottles up first as we can see you have a lot to do." I raise a brow at the two, one had serious bed head while the other had crazy two dyed hair and his eyes was as piercing as an owl. I stayed put and continued to unscrew the lid.

"No, can't you see there's a que." I say while filling up the bottle, I hear the two guys sigh, so they start talking to me. It wasn't annoying as I quite enjoyed it.

"So what school are you here with, babes?" The lazy one sounded as he just woke up, he gave me the scheming kind of vibes. I hum to this and turn around with a huge grin on my face.

"I'm the manager for Shiratorizawa, babes." I rest my hand on his chest, patting it, he freezes. I turn to the owl like guy, "I saw you play yesterday, you were hella cool out there," I get closer to him and brush my lips on his ear, "And hella sexy as well." I smile then turn back to the bottles.

"Uh...Shiratorizawa huh, then that means you've got Ushiwaka. I'm Kuro by the way, Nekoma's captain, and this here is Bokuto, Fukurodani's ace." I glance at them, I've heard of Nekoma they're meant to be really good on the defence and they are well bonded and in sync with one another.

"Yeah that Ushiwaka has some killer thighs and bara bara arms on him but you guys aren't so far off now, babe. The names Y/n." I finish up on the last bottle and get my phone out, "Here give me your digits, so we can stay in touch from now on." Kuro takes my phone and starts tapping away and then hands it to Bokuto. "There you go babes, the water fountain is all free now, text me soon yeah, you wouldn't want to miss a chance on this yeah?" And with that I'm off being back to my ever so flirty over the top self.

Day 2 of Nationals is when we get serious, this is the day when teams that usually stay in nationals are either booted out or kept in for the guiling third day. The team has to deal with national level teams, and this is when I see the cracks start to form. We're currently waiting in the stands for our opponent to be done with their match, our first match was hard bur we managed. Wakatoshi watches intensely on the game while I scribble in my notes, Coach Washiro told us last night on our possible opponents for today.

How can I cheer them up?

Our opponent just won in straight sets; this isn't good. I stand and turn to them clapping my hands grabbing their attention. I cross my arms and look at them all sternly.

"Do you doubt yourself, are you not the best team in Miyagi, do you not work hard to be where you are today. Are you doubting your ace, your captain, do you doubt his capabilities?" From Frosty to bowl cut they stopped their fidgeting and even began to grow confident; I glance down to be met with olive orbs. "Just because our opponent has won in straight sets doesn't mean that will happen with you. Are we not strong, are we not a team, now stop with your pussy behaviour and win this." I then go to grab my bags and walk off; I didn't even need to turn around as I knew they were behind me filled with more confidence than before.

The team entered the court with an aura of intimidation but so did their opponent they clocked on us halfway through their previous game. Shiratorizawa is a school known to be at nationals but only in the recent years when Wakatoshi has been here. He's a great part of the team and when he graduates this year's little bowl cut has big shoes to fill.

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