Clash! Triple Impact!

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"Don't be silly. How can an amateur like you beat him if I can't?" Amaya brushed dirt off her skirt and stood back up. She turned away and crossed her arms before resuming. "Well, I guess I can lend my hand if you're so confident about it. We're merely allies for the time being."

"Hehe, that's the tsun tsun Amaya I know and love!"

Amaya can't help but get a flustered expression. With a look of irritation, she stammered. "H-hey, stop that! You're starting to sound like that noisy roommate of yours!" 

"Do I?" Yura shrugged, just as Lyra flew in and sat on Amaya's shoulder. Yura turned her attention towards the matter at hand, the enemy equipped with the Destruction Wing in front of them.

Yura was the first to the battle, heading off to charge towards Vega on her own. She started covering the distance between her and the flying enemy when she heard something a voice in her head. It was a calm whisper, reminding her of...

"Huh, Amaya?"

She paused momentarily, looking back at her classmate. Amaya did not join the battle. Instead, she remained at the back, seated on the floor with her eyes closed.

Idiot, focus on your opponent!


Incoming! 2 o'clock!

"Wha-" Yura wildly swung Lucent Heart upwards and deflected one of the blades flying at her from the Destruction Wing.

Surprised? What's an esper without telepathy? Enough of that. Follow what I say and keep deflecting his attacks. Wait for me to fully recover my offensive abilities, then we make our counterattack.

Yura followed the coordinates with precision. It took a while before she caught on to what was happening. The voices and prompts she was hearing from her head were coming from Amaya, and the esper was asking her to fight on her behalf. 

"I guess I'll have to live with that idea of teamwork!"

Following the orders, Yura successfully blocked two more blades homing at her. In this time, she managed to close the distance on Vega, whose sword clashed with her rod. As the next set of hovering blades were about to be released, Yura broke the deadlock between weapons and spun her rod around, blocking the two blades. 

"I could get used to this."

Yura successfully moved back to defend Amaya from two more blades that flew towards the recovering classmate.


"I still can't believe that you willingly let her go. You already had the slimmest of chances before, now there's no possible way you can beat me. Except..."

Icaros' smile at Jet quickly sent his message across.

"Maybe you know what to do."

Jet charged at Icaros, his arm bursting with magical energy. Bits of the ceiling came crumbling down as an impact of his missed attack. Icaros appeared behind him and gave him a backhand across the back.

Icaros flipped upwards in order to dodge an incoming jet of flame. "It won't work like last time!" taunted Icaros.

Ren saw him disappear, prompting him to set up a defensive maneuver. Before he can finish setting it up, Icaros breezed by him and scraped his arm with a quick slash from one blade. 

Ren grabbed his arm and tried to look for the enemy. His eyes see nothing, but his ears heard all the electrical noise echoing all around the tunnel, and the laughter that followed.

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