One City, Two Worlds

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Pale Phantom? It appeared again a day ago, and...

"Himeji! Are you listening?"

Snapping back to reality, Yura stared at the the professor. This one is named Mikhail and taught some lessons on magic. Of course, few members of the city actually knew how to harness magic, so it's mostly book knowledge being taught. 

"Now, answer this question, Miss Aegis Guardian..." Professor Mikhail's eyes shot straight into Yura. Yura tried hiding the sudden tense feelings that came upon her. This teacher always does that same glare which never failed to keep the class behaved. 

Mikhail pointed at the electronic board, where an image of a book with several symbols was being displayed. "This grimoire, containing knowledge of nature, was said to be sent by an Archangel. This text became especially important to German magic during the old times."

Is this guy for real? He did not even discuss that part of the lesson!

"Uh..." Yura's voice trailed off. Her mind went blank due to panicking for the answer. She tried to stammer out an answer, but Mikhail quickly cut her off. 

"Time's up. You don't get a free pass from me just because you help those guys maintain peace in this city." The teacher, with a disappointed look on his face, turned to the class. "Now, anyone else who could answer?" His eyes turned to the corner of the class, where one hand was raised.

"Schwarz!" called out Professor Mikhail.

"Sir, what you're talking about is the Sefer Raziel Ha-Malakh Liber Razielis Archangeli." Amaya answered with calmness and confidence.

"What the hell? What kind of name is that?" commented one student. 

The teacher nodded his head and continued his slides. "Actually, it's The Book of Raziel the Angel." The answer flashed on the screen. Before he can start his discussion, Amaya interrupted him.

"It is also said that this grimoire was given after man ate the forbidden fruit in Judean lore. Besides the knowledge of nature, man was also said to been taught the power of speech through this grimoire."

Mikhail smirked. 

"Impressive, you really are adept and very knowledgable in the occult, aren't you?"

"I take that as a compliment, sir," answered Amaya. From her seat, she gave a bow, having done her job. "I have been doing some research on my own."

The teacher raised his eyebrows and stared at Amaya. "Are you implying that you have been trying to learn how to harness your powers?"

"I can't deny it, sir."

Mikhail ran his hand through his spiky hair and snickered. "My, we got an ambitious one here. Despite everyone having some sort of magical affinity, few have actually took a step further and tried to use it. "

He then turned to Yura. "Well at least she's working hard. As for you, see me after this."


Later on...

"What's going on? You've occasionally spaced out in class for four days already."

Yura looked at Leanne and yawned,. She reclined on the bench on the sidewalk and looked up. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." She lazily set her eyes on the trash can across the street before shooting a crumpled piece of paper into it.

Leanne responded with a concerned look. "The school festival starts in less than a week. Of course I'm worried that you might get in trouble with the teachers before then."

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