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"I'm here to end things!"

Ren held a talisman between his fingers while staring into Shirayuki's eyes. Eyes which belonged to a friend he grew up with. The form which belonged to the person so dear to him. Ren took a deep breath before tossing his talisman to the ground in front of him. 

The sight of Ren must have triggered something within Shirayuki. She held her head with both arms and let out a banshee-like wail. Her eyes shifted between pure white to human eyes as she continued the scream. 

Ren scrambled past Jet and towards Shirayuki. When he successfully reached a few feet away from the target, he summoned several more talismans to surround Shirayuki.

Just in time, Shirayuki appeared to have regained full control of her body. "You won't have your way!" snapped the ghost. With one swing of her hand, the talismans got frozen in mid-air and break as they fell to the ground. Following an upward motion of her hand, a frosted icicle formed out of the ground, hitting Ren and sending him flying backwards. 

Ren landed near Jet and crashed on his back.

Yura, seeing this pushed herself to get up. She turned around and looked at Shirayuki. For some reason, it seems that the battle of control over Yukiko's body continued. This is evident by Shirayuki's sudden erratic movements and general loss of control. 

Taking this chance, Yura hastily hurried towards where Ren and Jet laid. Seeing Yura get close, Jet pulled himself up and sneered at Ren.

"Getting your head kicked in, smartass? That's expected, I'll show you how it's done. You two watch."

"Forcing your way towards her will never work!"

"Watch me!" 

Jet swung his hand away. Swirling orbs of wind start enveloping his arms as usual. This time, small packets of air start swirling and materializing around his feet as well. He started standing in one leg which alternated between his two feet in a warm-up ritual. Finishing it, he set his sights on the enemy in front of him. 

"Gyaaahhh!" shouted Shirayuki. She continued grasping her shaking head. While shouting, her eyes closed, and it provided the perfect opportunity for an attack. 

"This will end it!" shouted Jet. Finsihing his preparations, he launched off, leaving some cracked flooring on his wake. Wind blew past him as he surged towards his target.

Turned away with one hand holding onto her face, Shirayuki strugglingly managed to put her other hand out, creating a cold gust of wind. This collided with Jet and weakened the impact of his attack. As Jet nailed Shirayuki with his powered punch, the attack has been neutralized enough for her to catch the fist head-on with her hand. 

"Go away!" shouted Shirayuki. As she yelled, she threw her hands sideways and blasted Jet away with a burst of cold wind. Although at first glance, that bitter statement was directed towards Jet, she also meant that to the real owner of the body she was using. Shirayuki snapped and summoned several shards of ice, which all point towards Jet.


The shards of ice all head towards Jet. Unfazed by this, Jet prepared to respond with his own attacks. 

Yura stepped in front of Jet, Lucent Heart in hand. "Let me join in!"

She spun her rod skillfully to deflect the ice shards headed her way. As more shards come her way, she continued blocking and deflecting them.

Shirayuki pointed at Yura and started a loud monologue. "Look at her. Just hold out a little longer, you pest! After I have her, I'll leave this filthy body of yours for good!" Shirayuki finished with a second spine-chilling wail. 

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