Chapter 15: Found out!

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Spirit and the others moved to another bush as they followed the two outcasts.

It’s been a few hours since they saw these outcasts. Technically, it’s only been two hours. At least, Spirit thinks so. As they followed the two outcasts, they located the main base, which was where the two was headed. Finally . Apparently, these outcasts had a big territory. Their base isn’t even the whole territory, which is why they had to follow these two.

They got some useful information as well. Looks like Desmond was right, they were planning a new attempt to get him back.

Who were they and why did they need him?

No, more like what do they need him for. ‘Oh right, I think Desmond said they were planning to use me as a shield of some sort. What sort, though? And why do they need me as a shield? I guess these questions won’t be answered. For now.’

They moved from bush to bush, tree to tree, and they were finally right at the entrance of the camp itself. The two Outcasts moved on to the insides to the camp, which they can’t follow to.

Apparently, the camp itself, didn’t have much trees. They could see some trees and bushes, but they were so far apart you can’t even sneak to the other part for a few seconds, because they’ll see you.

Spirit looked to Aevitas, and, surprisingly, he had a serious look on his face. “So, he is serious about missions, very silent, but also very dramatic? That’s a nice and random combination for personalities. I want to say that to whoever his creator is.” Spirit whispered to Devin jokingly. “Ugh, you haven’t even seen the most of it. If you see him all the time, you won’t even be laughing anymore.” Devin replied in an annoyed way.


Was the only reply Spirit said as he wondered next what to do about entering the camp.

But before he even figured out an idea, a voice snapped him back from his thoughts. And it wasn’t a voice from his friends. At least, his friend and his… companion. They all turned to the voice, and, behold! It was someone  that was sent from a group of reinforcements. Not really. Okay, you’re seriously dumb if you believed that. It was an Outcast.

Why does my life have to be so unfortunate?’  Thought the now panicking Spirit. “Who are you guys?” The Outcast asked. Spirit was told that most outcasts can recognize an Alpha when they see one. It was probably a new recruit.

Wait, What?

How would they have a new recruit without an Alpha getting kicked out from the Alphas’ pack? Nah, they probably just don’t announce when one is kicked. But… shouldn’t we at least get notified, or something?’ Suddenly, an idea struck him. How would they reach so many members without having at least most of the Alpha pack’s members kicked?

Evil wolves.

They would probably recruit other wolves that are strong, and also, want to use their strength for evil purposes. The outcasts probably told them about the powers and bribed them by telling them they’d have unimaginable power.

Another wolf came behind the wolf who Spirit suspected as a new recruit as the new wolf immediately tensed up. The new wolf howled a warning howl alerting all the members. Most of the wolves chased after them as they ran back to the Alpha camp. This was absurd. The Alpha Pack’s members weren’t even a quarter of theirs. ‘How in the world would we be able to beat them?’ 

They ran and ran, but apparently, they were nowhere near the base yet. Spirit sighed. They either had to fight, run back to the pack and fight them with the other members, or hide. There were flaws at each option. First, they were outnumbered. Second, that means there would be a battle in the camp and the camp will get messed up, they can capture some of them and steal food, they would also be outnumbered, since almost the whole Outcasts pack is chasing them. And third, how would they be able to hide, from this many wolves?

Oh well. This problem will solve itself.

‘Is what I’d like to say.’ Unfortunately, Spirit can’t really be on his optimistic side right now. It’s too obvious that this problem won’t solve itself. They have to outrun these other wolves until they’re out of sight, and, hopefully, find something to hide in. But it seems like it’s impossible.

Oh well. They can probably do that. The other outcasts were slowing down already. Alphas probably have more stamina than Outcasts. At least, some of them. Apparently Spirit has A lot of stamina. Running almost all day is part of his daily routine. He isn’t a single bit tired right now.

But he’ll probably be tired soon. They have to get out of this situation, quick.


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