KIRISHIMA: Almost a Proposal!

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~(Y/n) POV~

      "Do you think this shade of red will be okay? Or should I get a brighter one?" Eijiro asks as we stand (more of me standing and him crouching to look at the lower shelves) in the hair dye aisle and look at the series of reds.
      "Ei," I say with a small laugh as I take it from his hand. "this is the color you've always got since high school." I state as I point at the shade of red that it says on the label.
"It is?" He asks with his cute confused expression, making me giggle.
"Yes, silly shark." I say with a smile and ruffle his hair that's in a bandana to hide his black roots. "Any dye that you choose, I'll help you and you'll look as handsome as always." I say with a smile and he smiles and stands up a little and stealing my lips into a sweet kiss.
Me and Eijiro started dating not too long before his hero work study with FatGum. It worried me, more than I'd like to admit, when I found out about him getting in the hospital because of his fight with Rappa. Let's just say he got a lot of scolding, cuddles, snacks, shark plushies, and maybe a couple new bandanas.
Just like how I was there for him, he was there for me after the battle with Reaper. He took care of me, made sure I didn't do anything I shouldn't, made sure I took care of myself (even though I'd cuss him out if I wasn't feeling the best), and made sure I had a shoulder to cry on if I need it. I did.
     "Can you idiots hurry up?! Or hold her so I can actually get some f- shopping done!" Katsuki says as he hands Eijiro his two year old daughter, Lexi Bakugo, before walking away angrily as he pushes the buggie {or a cart if you call it that} filled halfway with groceries.
"Momma!" Lexi whines as she reaches towards me and I giggle lightly and poke her nose before taking her from Eijiro's arms.
"Can you say Mo? {Short for Mosaic. I know I know she's a baby and Idk how to abreviate your name in a shorter version} Mo?" I ask as I gently raise her small hand thats clasped around my left pointer finger.
"Momma!" Lexi says then blows a raspberry at me.
"How about we go get you a tiny piece of mochi? Ochaco says you like mochi a lot." I say to the small baby who stares at me confused before she sneezes. "Bless you." I say with a laugh as I fix her position.
I turn with a small blush as I meet the loving eyes of my boyfriend as he watches me hold the small baby. "What is it, Ei? You're staring at me." I ask with a small amused look at him and he smiles toothily.
"You're look so cute when you're playing with kids." He confesses as he looks at me lovingly, making me blush a little.
       "T-Thanks, Ei." I say a little embarrassed before heading towards the aisle exit. "I'm gonna go get this little cutie a mochi. Are you gonna look at hair dye longer or do are you gonna come too?" I ask as I turn around but nearly crash into Eijiro's strong chest.
"Heh, this brings back memories. Mostly of you petting my abs after you stare at them for a couple seconds." Eijiro jokes and I laugh at his statement with a hint of pink on my cheeks.
"Oh hush and let's go." I state and gesture for him to follow me as I walk towards the desserts with Lexi playing with strands of my black and (f/c) tipped hair.
"Chi! Chi!" Lexi coos excitedly as she points at the small things of mochi after I made my way over to them.
"Would you like one ma'am? Your daughter seems to really like one." The baker says with a smile as she looks at me, Lexi, and Eijiro.
"She's not my daughter. Just babysitting while a friend shops." I say with a smile laugh as I glance at Eijiro who looks deep in thought. "But yes I'd like one please. Can I have the pink one?" I ask and she nods and hands it over to me as I give her the money.
"My mistake. But you seem like you'd be a very good mother." The baker says and I smile at her.
"Why thank you. Have a great day-"
"AUNT (Y/N)! UNCLE EIJIRO!" I turn at the voice of Kazhio Bakuguo, Lexi's older brother, as he runs towards us and barrels into my legs, making me cling a little tighter onto Lexi so I don't drop her.
"Hey little man! How you been?" I ask him with a smile.
"I'm goo-"
"Kazhio! Don't run off like that!" Ochaco says worriedly as she rushes over holding Kyro in her arms.
"Momma!" Lexi coos happily as she reaches for Ochaco.
"Sorry mommy, I just really wanted to see Aunt (Y/n) and Uncle Eijiro." Kazhio says from hiding behind Eijiro's obviously taller figure.
"It's fine. Just tell me first please honey." Ochaco says after a sigh as she puts down Kyro and then takes Lexi, and the mochi, from my arms
"You doing good Ochaco? You seem a little stressed." I ask the brown haired woman who laughs a little.
"Shopping day is always a hassle. Kyro and Kazhio always want to look around the whole time, Lexi wants to always stay with Katsuki, and Katsuki just wants to get shopping done because he hates it in h-"
"Can we please leave? I had to fight over the last thing of f- strawberries." Katsuki interrupts as he walks up with a filled buggie (cart) as he looks very annoyed.
"Sure. Kyro, Kazhio, say goodbye to Eijiro and (Y/n)." Ochaco says as she looks at her twin sons.
"See you later Auntie (Y/n)! Bye bye Uncle Eijiro!" They chorus before following after their mother.
"Thanks for watching Lexi for a bit. Now go back to work, your break's over." Katsuki says with a head nod before he walks away.
"Well he definitely is a good businessman." I say with a laugh as I look to Eijiro.
"That's for sure." Eijiro says with a smile as he looks after his best friend. "Let's go get this paid for and then we'll head back to the agency." Eijiro says as he looks over to me and holds up the hair dye that he always uses.
"Okay." I reply as we make our way to the self checkout.
"You sure this one will look good on me?" Eijiro asks and I laugh.
"Eijiro it's the exact color that you get every time!" I state and he looks a little embarrassed. "Eijiro your hair will look fine with any color in it, okay?" I say to him and he nods as he scans it.
"How did I get such a great girlfriend like you?" He asks and I smile at him.
"Because you were to adorable for me to say no." I joke and he looks at me little betrayed. "I was joking! Joking! Don't make that face I'll feel guilty." I say to him and his eyes holds mischief as he looks down at me making the same face.
"But I wasn't joking about you being absolutely beautiful." He pouts and I roll my eyes playfully. "Why'd you roll your eyes at me? Am I not doing good enough?" He pouts more and I my eyes widen.
"Stop it! You're amazing and great and super sweet and you pretend not to know that I'm the reason your shirts are going missing and you get me snacks and we cuddle on the couch!"
"You're the reason I can't find any of my shirts?" He says with an amused laugh and I blush slightly.
"Let's go we're gonna be late for the patrol." I say as I walk away quickly with him walking after me.
"If you're going to steal my shirts at least let me be there to see how cute you look with them on!" Eijiro says as he looks over at me.
"That can be arranged." I say with a smile as I grin up at him.
"It's about time you lovebirds got here! Me and Hanta had to wait for you before we could head to lunch." Mina says as she runs over to us, dragging her husband behind her.
"Sorry Mina. Someone was still worried about picking the same shade of red for his hair." I say with a glance at Eijiro who looks away.
"Again Eijiro? Come on man you do this every time and still pick the same color." Hanta says with a slight deadpanned look at the red head.
"Lecture me later. Go to lunch and let us head to our patrol." Eijiro states as he deflects the complaints before walking around our friends and heading to the locker room.
"Has he said anything to you? Any hints? Any dates soon?" Mina asks after Eijiro disappears behind the door.
"Nothing that would give me a hint or idea. He did find out that I'm the reason his shirts are going missing though." I say with a small frown as I look at the door in the background.
"That man." Mina says with a scoff. "You two have been dating since our first year of high school! He needs to f***ing marry you already! You two are perfect for each other!" Mina claims as she holds my shoulders and stares into my (e/c) eyes.
"I know, I know. I want him to propose to me too. I love him so much and I want to take our relationship further." I say with a small sigh. "I want to marry him and then eventually have kids. He'd be a great dad. When we look after your kids or the little Bakugous he always knows how to handle them. Sometimes even better than me!" I ramble with a bright smile as I imagine a future where I'm Mrs. Kirishima.
"Wow, and I thought I was excited before I proposed to Kyoka." A new voice chimes in with a small laugh as he walks over.
"Wow thank you so much for helping my confidence, Denki." I say with a small annoyed look to the blond who nods.
"Don't worry (Y/n). Eijiro will ask you soon." Denki says and I look at him excitedly.
"Did he say that?" I ask and he sweatdrops.
" Sorry, (Y/n)." He says and I frown a little.
"Oh. I-uh better go get changed for my patrol. I'll see you guys later." I say with a small smile as I walk to the woman's locker room and enter.

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