MINA: Save it for me!

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-Kinda long chapter-

~(Y/n) POV~

Beep! Beep! Beep!
"Nooooo. I'm not ready to get out of bed." I complain and hear a beautiful early morning laugh so I open my eyes.
     It's Mina, my beautiful and wonderful girlfriend of five years, looking at me with her dazzling yellow eyes as we lay in our queen sized bed.
     "Good morning beautiful." Mina says with a small smile and I blush a little before getting closer to her.
     "Good morning Queenie." I say before giving her a good morning kiss on the lips. "Get dressed. I'll make breakfast." I say as I sit up and stretch before exiting the room.
     I quickly get out a few things to make a quick but good breakfast.
"If I wake up like this I'm living the best life possible." Mina says as she snakes her pink arms around my waist.
"Well if I see your beautifulness everyday I'm the luckiest person in the whole world." I say and move my head to the side to give her a kiss before finishing breakfast and setting it on plates. "I gotta change real quick and then I'll eat. Be back in a minute." I say and quickly go back to our shared room and start to change.
Me and Mina started dating during our second year of UA, it was actually after a sleepover and we were challenged with the seven minutes in heaven. Let's just say it last more than seven minutes.
After we graduated from UA me and Mina bought our first apartment together after we quickly started moving up in the ranks. It's a simple two bedroom, with one half bath and a full bath, a simple kitchen and dining area, and a living area. It's pretty cozy but Mina is what makes it home.
"Hey Mina? Have you seen my scrunchie?" I yell as I hold my black and (f/c) tipped hair in a ponytail. {if you have short hair you put what you could up to get the small pieces out of yo face}
"It should be on the nightstand beside our bed!" Mina replies back and I quickly go over and find it where she said it was.
"Thanks!" I reply as I finish putting up my hair.
"Come eat your breakfast before I do. You're too good of a cook." Mina states as I walk into the kitchen and I laugh at this.
"Thanks Queenie. But don't expect me to become a house wife. I don't wanna be cooped up." I give her a small smile and see her blush.
"O-Okay." She stumbles and I chuckle before starting to eat.
"Done. Are you fully ready?" I ask my pink girlfriend who's been staring at me as I ate.
"Yep. I'm just missing one thing though. It's very important and I can't leave without it." Mina says as I drape my arms on her shoulders.
"And what would that be?" I say with a grin as I stare at her.
"A good morning after breakfast kiss." She responds and I smile before going in for the kiss.
Her lips are soft against mine and I can't help but smile as our lips dance across each other as I pull her closer to me.
"Was that good enough?" I ask when we break apart and she laughs before stealing another peck before turning to go out the door.
"Let's get to work beautiful." She says with a smile as she puts on her shoes and I follow suite.
"Another day of work ready to be started." I say as me and Mina walk hand and hand to the agency.
"Another day to see you in that sexy hero costume of yours.~" Mina whispers to me and I blush.
"Well I think you look pretty hot in your costume too. Your beautiful curves that I know every inch about, how your chest looks, how nice your a** looks.~" I coo and she flushed deeply as we enter the agency doors.
"Hey girls! Woah! Mina are you okay? You look more red than pink." Denki says as we enter and I grin as Mina fumbles over words.
"I-I'M FINE! NOTHING HAPPENED!" Mina exclaims and I put a hand over my mouth the middle my laughter as laughter tears fall from my (e/c) eyes.
"Oh, girlfriend teasings." Denki sighs with a smile and I chuckle.
"See you at lunch Denki. Bye Mina, love you." I give Denki a small wave and Mina a quick kiss before going up the elevator to start my morning paper work.

{Time Skip}

Bring! Bring! Bring! My desk phone rings and I pick it up.
"Hey Katsuki. Whatcha need?" I ask with a smile and hear him chuckle.
"Yeah, hi Painting. Anyway, you remember mutt from UA? The one who moved to America before his second year?" Katsuki says and my eyes widen a little in surprise.
"Tashio?" I ask and he hums in response.
"Yeah him. Well he's on line 7 and needs to talk to you about an undercover mission I'm having you do." Katsuki states and my heart drops a little.
"O-Okay. Thanks." I say and hang up on him before switching lines. "Hello?" I ask and hear an excited voice.
"Hey, (Y/n). Been a while hasn't it?" Tashio Kido says and I chuckle at this.
"Yeah, nearly six years." I say with a smile as I remember the old times at UA.
"Wow. Have you married any of your flirters yet?" Tashio teases and I laugh a little as I hold a grin.
"Not yet. I guess I'll have to wait a little bit since I'm doing this mission. So can I get a few details?" I say as I quickly grab some pen and notepad.
"You've got more serious over the years. Anyway, they're is this villain team but their more of a very big and dangerous gang. The leader is named Victoria. She's very dangerous and has a strong quirk. Her quirk is Super Computer. She can easily use her intelligence to plan out different things and have many details about everything. She has evaded the police and heroes here in California for nearly nine years." I listen and write down intently as Tashio talks.
"Now where do I come in on this?" I ask as I put my notepad down slightly.
"Since Victoria's quirk only makes her smart she's often left defenseless and often has more of her gang members protect her as she makes her getaway. We have got word that she's looking for a body guard. We want it to be you. You thought you could pose as a villain with a Kitsune quirk. You would transform with Koi and be in your non elemental form and stay like that. And because you're a hero in Japan who she most likely won't know and you can speak English fluently. We'll give you a quick makeover and colored contacts. We'll even keep the rest of your tattoos at a separate apartment so that you don't get caught with them on your skin. I've know you long enough to know that they'll all get balanced time this way so your quirk won't falter." Tashio rambles and I listen as he explains and I think for a few minutes.
"How long will it be?" I ask and he seems happier when I ask this.
"We hope that it won't be too long. We plan that with your help under a year." Tashio states and I nod slowly.
"When do I leave? I'll need to pack a few things and I'll need to talk to Mina and tell her." I say and I hear him chuckle.
"You chose the pink one?" He states and I groan in slight annoyance.
"Tashio. When do I leave?" I say and he clears his throat.
"The plane leaves in three hours. And the ride will be six hours long {this is a guess idk how long it would really be} and you will be taken to your apartment and they will start your disguise." Tashio states and I jump up a little.
"Okay. Thank you Tashio. I'll see you soon." I say and we hang up after our goodbyes.
I quickly call Katsuki and tell him I have to leave and go pack and get ready and he hesitatingly agreed and sent me home.
"Hey Mina, can you maybe come home on your break? I need to talk to you." I say over the phone and can hear her breath hitch.
"(Y/n) is everything alright? What's wrong?" She asks and I sigh.
"I would prefer to tell you face to face so I spend more time with you." I say and she slowly hums. "If you need to call Katsuki and ask him if you can leave a little early before your lunch. He'll understand. And if not tell him it's a favor for me and that I owe him sometime. He'll let you go then." I say with a small smile and hear her laugh a little.
"Okay. See you soon. I love you." She says and I return it before we both hang up.
She gets home twenty minutes later as I finish packing my second bag. She stares at me panicked and scared as she enters our room.
"What's going on? Why are you packing? A-Are you breaking up with me?" Mina says and I see small tears at the corner of her eyes.
"No no! I'm not breaking up with you! I would never dream of leaving you. I love you too much." I say as I rush up to her and quickly hold her tight before leading her to our bed and laying us down. "I-I'm being sent to go undercover for a few months in America. My flight leaves in two more hours." I say as I start to tear up a little bit.
"W-Why? W-why does it have to be you?" Mina says as she looks at me sadly and I smile sadly at her.
"They're gonna have me pose as a villain with a Kitsune quirk. Oh god I'm gonna miss you so much." I say and start to tear up as I clutch onto Mina and rock us both a little.
"I-it's not fair. W-what if they find out and kill you? I wouldn't even know." Mina cries and I look at her sadly.
"I'm not gonna die. I have too much of a future with you that I'll make sure I stay alive so I can see you again." I say and she smiles gently at me.
"A-are you done packing?" She sniffles and I nod. "Can we stay like this for a while. Just you and me. No one else." She says and I kiss her head before I hold her closer.
"You're what I'm fighting to come back for." I say as before I give her a gently and meaningful kiss.

{Time Skip}

"Please stay safe, (Y/n). Your a great person and we don't need to lose you." Eijiro says as we all separate from the hug.
"I won't. I have too much to lose here." I give them a small smile as I watch as they load my things onto the plane.
"Painting, make sure you get back soon. Everyone's gonna be after your spot once you're gone for a few weeks." Katsuki says and I nod.
"Yeah. Don't kill Midoriya and Todoroki because I'm not here to keep you chilled." I joke and he huffs at this.
"Not my fault their so f***ing annoying." He grumbles and we all laugh at this.
"Ms. (L/n), we have to leave." The pilot says and I nod sadly at this.
"Alright. Thank you." I give him a sad smile and he nods before going back to the plane.
"I can't believe you're gonna be gone for a few months and I can't even talk to you." Mina says as she cries a little and I look at her with a small smile.
"Mina, I want to give you a promise before I leave." I say and see her look at me confused as I walk up to her.
"What is it?" Mina says as she wipes her eyes a little before I grab both her pink hands and hold them.
"I promise that when I come back. There's gonna be a beautiful ring on your finger. I'm gonna marry you Mina. Keep that finger saved for me." I say and give her a deep and loving kiss before laying my forehead against her. "I'm gonna miss you so much. Please stay safe." I say as tears fall from my closed eyes.
"I'll be waiting for you." Mina says and pulls back from me and I take a deep breath before walking to the plane.
"Goodbye for now!" I wave from the stairs before entering and taking a window seat and looking out to see my family and friends waving at me as we take off.
Please let me come back to her. I silently pray as I wipe the remaining tears before playing music and reading books to pass the time.


This is it. This is where I become a "villain". I think as I look up at the bar's sign before walking in.
I now have dyed white hair and red colored contacts. I'm in my kitsune form and in my non elemental form. Where I'm solid white and plain looking.
I look around the room a little before walking to the bar island.
"What would you like to drink?" A bartender asks me and I shake my head.
"Do you know anything about the red dragons?" I ask and he looks at me suspiciously.
"Depends on who's asking." He says with a small glare and I smirk.
"I heard of a job opening and I would like to know where I could find them. I've been bored lately and I need some new....fun." I finish with an evil smile and he chuckles with a smile before he answers.
"Down the hall, take a right, and then go into the last room on the right." He instructs and I nod happily before walking away.
Here it goes. I think as I follow the instructions and end up at the door and knock three times before entering.
I'm met with glares and a few knives. I scoff and walk in more before closing the door.
"Great, another useless nobody trying to get a spot as my bodyguard. Who are you?" A woman with pink hair and purple eyes says from behind a desk and I grin. It's Victoria.
"I know I'll get it. These idiots seem to think that they can scare anyone with a petty knife. I'm Kia Ani, remember it since I'll be who you'll need to thank when I get you out of trouble." I say with a smirk and she looks at me a little surprised before she smiles.
"I like you. Alright. Here's the test. You have to fight all these men and can't let them touch me. If you win you've got the job. If you don't. Well, you might not come out of this room." Victoria says and I grin at this.
"Seven against one. Sounds like a fair fight. For me." I finish with a grin as I slam a guy who tried a surprise attack down with one of my tails.
I smile as I dodge, hit, and keep them from touching even a finger on Victoria. Soon enough I'm the only one standing as I look down at the tired seven men who are laying bleeding and broken on the splintering and broke coffee table.
"I see why you needed a personal bodyguard. These guys are jokes." I say as I step down on ones hand as he tries to reach Victoria's foot.
"I believe you've got the job." Victoria grins at me and I smile at this. "Be careful though. If you look any sexier when beating up someone I might just assign you to being my pet instead." She says and pets my ears a little.
"Sorry. But I'm taken." I say and she grins.
"For now." Victoria says happily and I stare at her as she turns to the now standing (barely) men. "Go train you useless idiots." She snarls and they nod before they walk out. "Get some rest. You start tomorrow. You'll come back here and help me with my meetings." Victoria says and I nod before walking out.
Phase one finished. I'm one step closer to being back with Mina. I miss you Queenie. I'll be back soon to marry you.

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