KAMINARI: New Opportunity! {🍋}

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Buzzy Beautiful Sunshine Nugget squad assemble!
...I've discovered Yagami Yato....send help...

I'M BACK!!! To make up for it....here be a lemon.

~(Y/n) POV~

     "You have forty minutes to scarf down your breakfast before we have to be out the door and down the road. Chop chop!" I say as I finish adjusting my shirt over my hero crop top. "Denki that means you too! Get your a** out of bed! Katsuki will kill us if we're late again!" I call to my husband and toss a cup of water on him as he lies in our bed.
     "F***!" He curses as he sits up with yellow eyes wide at the rude awakening before he hops out of bed.
     "You okay today mom? You seem a little stressed?" Toa asks and I stop in my tracks.
"Yeah I'm fine, thanks for asking Toa." I say with a smile as I kiss his head.
"She's totally not fine. We never say we're fine and actually mean it." I hear Koimishi whisper as she leans closer to her twin brother.
"I promise you both that I'm perfectly fine! Now eat your breakfast or I'll make you walk to school." I finish with a teasing manner and they start to eat their breakfast rice.
"Morning pichus and my beautiful wifey." Denki says as he walks in and ruffles the twins' hair before giving me a deep kiss on the lips after grabbing his breakfast bowl.
"Something's wrong with mom." Toa says and I sigh in annoyance.
"(Y/n), honey, what's wrong?" Denki asks me concerned and I sigh.
      "Nothing is wrong! I promise!"
      "Is it that time again?"
      "No, I ended that last week!" I say and he nods.
"Make sure to tell me if something is wrong, okay?" Denki says and I nod.
We eat in an almost comfortable silence as time ticks by. "Dishes in the sink, go put on shoes, grab bags, out the door to the car." I ramble as I grab the empty bowls and quickly put them in the sink before finishing the rest of my list and getting in the car. "Time?" I ask as I glance at Koimishi in the mirror as Denki starts to drive off.
"Five minutes left." She says with a smile and I breath a sigh of relief.
"We're on good time. Toa, you'll be able to make it to your early singing class and Koimishi you'll be able to make it to your early gymnastic class." I say with a proud smile on my face.
     We arrive to their high school in a short few minutes and they get out after quickly giving us hugs. "Oh! Mom! Don't forget that you have lunch with Mina today!" Koimishi says as she turns back to the car.
     "So that's what I forgot! Thank you Koimishi! Have a good day at school you two!" I wave to the twins before we drive off.
     "So you've been stressing because you couldn't remember that you have a lunch date with your best friend?" Denki teases with a smile and I groan in slight annoyance.
      "It's been a busy morning! I forget things too ya' know!" I exclaim and my handsome husband chuckles.
      "Do I need to remind you how we had kids then?" He suggests as he gently rubs his hand on my thigh and I blush.
      "No, I remember that perfectly well." I say and he laughs at my flustered state.
"I could tell Katsuki that we need a break and we can go all day?~" Denki suggests and I blush a darker red.
"No, no, we can't miss another day because you're horny! This would be the fourth time, and Katsuki won't be happy if we miss another day of patrol and he has to take over for us." I scold and the blond pouts in his seat as he continues to drive.
"Fine. But the next date night we're going to let Eijiro and Tsu watch the kids and we're going to have fun." Denki says a little annoyed but also with a lustful glint in his yellow eyes.
"Let's talk that up with them first. They'll also want us to probably watch Tsiku, Eisu, and Eino in return." I state after giving him a quick kiss and he nods before we both exit the car.
"Good job. You two f***bugs aren't late. No morning f*** today? Pikachu looks sad." Katsuki says with a slight scowl as he sees us enter.
"Katsuki be nice. We made sure to wake up early this morning and get here early. We had to drop Toa and Koimishi off at school first. And no we did do that this morning." I say the last part in a whisper before going into the locker room and taking off my over clothes and revealing my hero costume.
"Morning (Y/n)!" Mina yells excitedly as she enters in the locker room and starts to change into her costume.
"Hey Mina, how was your afternoon yesterday? How're the kids?" I asks and I she chuckles.
"I love that they have my energy but at the same time I hate it." The pink skinned woman states and I laugh.
"Now you know what we had to put up with in high school." I say with a grin and she laughs at my statement.
"I apologize, for the most part." She states and I snort a laugh before walking out.
"Hey Hanta. Ready Denki?" I ask my husband who's standing beside the front door talking to our black haired friend who gives me a wave.
"Yeah. Patrol time!" He says with a smile as we walk out the door and into the streets.

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