10-Game on!

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~Sero POV~

I can't believe that I feel on top of (Y/n). She's so cute and her skin felt soft. I wonder if she uses lotions? Stop Hanta! You know you'll probably not stay in this challenge anyway. Guess I should quit, she probably won't like me. And maybe because I think I have a crush on a different girl. I think as I quickly as I walk away from an angry (Y/n)'s father and an angrier Bakugou. I walk in my house and quickly go and take a shower stealing a small amount of my mother's strawberry shampoo. I've done this for years and she still hasn't found out. I think as I finish and head to bed as sleep smothers me.
~the next day same POV~
"Do you think that Aizawa is gonna be okay? He looked pretty bad after the attack yesterday." (A/n- I'm pretty sure only one day passed after the USJ attack if not sorry) Ashido says as she taps her chin in curiosity.
"I'm pretty sure that he can't come here do to the injury he got from the Nomu." I smile worriedly and rub the back of my neck. I see (Y/n) look at my face worried, "I just hope he's alright." I continue and she looks a little relieved. I wonder if she likes me likes me or if she just is worried because I'm her friend? I think as I smile at her.
"How about a bet?~" (Y/n) purrs and get the attention of a few other classmates. (A/n- sorry for another disturbances but I'm confused about usd to yen so imma just say it as usd but it equals whatever it you be as yen. IM SORRY FOR MY CLUELESSNESS!) She looks at us with a sneaky grin on her face. "I bet $5.00 that Aizawa WILL show up, even though that will probably hurt his health, and teach class as usual. If I lose, I pay whoever disagrees with me $10.00. Easy really!" She says as she gets her wallet out and shows her money.
"I bet he WON'T be here!" Kaminari says putting $5.00 down on her desk. (Y/n) and Kaminari have a smirk off. Mina, Tsu, Kirishima, Bakugou (surprisingly), me, Ururaka, Izuku, and Ojiro all place our bet the same as Kaminari. (Y/n) smirks and looks expectedly at the door as the knob turns. The door opens and reveals....a mummy!?
"Good morning class." Aizawa the mummy saws as half the class' students have their souls leave their bodies.
"Good morning Sensei! I knew you'd be here! You always come, I'm surprised you would give up the possible snaps you could've took. Before we start tho! Pay up peeps!" (Y/n) smirks as she looks as the kids regain their souls. Everyone grumpily put the money on her desk. Aizawa has a look of regret on his face at her statement and a smirk as he sees her get payed for her bet. She nods and he gets to the podium.
"Mr. Aizawa are you okay?" Kaminari says stupidly.
"Does that look okay to you?" Ururaka asks him as they look at their teacher.
"My health doesn't matter. I'm here to teach you idiots and that's what I'm doing. Anyway, in a few days the annual UA sports Festival will be held. You get one chance each year for the three years that you'll be attending here. You'll need to train and be at your best. Do whatever I'm taking a nap." He explains before going to his yellow sleeping bag.
"Wait..Sir? Why are they still doing the festival? The attack was just yesterday." Someone asks. Aizawa sighs.
"To show that UA was able to handle the attacks. This year they have boosted the amount of guards present for safety. Now let me sleep." He says before he plops down and zips up the bag.
"I'm so pumped! I'm so excited! I want to do great! Who wants to train with me!?" Mina exclaims as she bounces up and down in her heels. So cute! Wait what? I think as my eyes suddenly wander over her figure and I blush and look away. D*** she IS hot and cute! Why am I suddenly having feelings for her? I think rapidly as I look away.
"I will." I say as I smile wide at her boosting energy. She beams at me and bounces once again and chatters more as she looks around the room and talks with a few other girls. I think I have a crush on the adorable pink alien. I sigh and look as she chats away with an aggressive looking Ururaka.

~(Y/n) POV~

"What about you Painting!? Are you gonna train with any of these d*** extras?" Bakuguo says as I watch my best friend talk about what she's gonna do with a scary looking Ochaco. I turn and face him.
"I don't know yet. I might ask my parents to train with me. If they have time, they'll probably be busy with work both hero and normal. What about you cupcake?" I smile at him seeing him blush in anger, I think, as he scoffs out his next words.
"DON'T CALL ME A F***ING CUPCAKE!" He shrieks and I chuckle and boop the top of his nose. He looks taken aback at my action as I look at his cute reaction of shock and embarrassment.
"Then tell me your first name and I won't call you a f***ing cupcake." I say fearlessly as he looks more confused. "I wasn't here the first day so I don't know everyone's first names and a few peoples names at all." I explain and he seems to settle down a tad.
"Katsuki." He says after a bit and looks down at me. I smile at him. "Now stop with the f***ing ridiculous nicknames." He says looking at me serious.
"Okay, Kat! How about we train together sometime? I could use some help. And I want to see more of that hot quirk of yours.~" I flirt and he blushes from anger and embarrassment.
"I SAID STOP WITH THE F***ING NICKNAMES! AND LIKE HELL I WOULD WANT TO TRAIN WITH YOUR WEAKA**! MY QUIRK SURE IS BETTER THAN YOURS, PAINTING!" He yells at me and I just have a smiling face as he yells at me full force.
"1- It's not a nickname but a shorted version of you name. 2- You were the one asking if I was training with anyone. And 3- Both our quirks are both great. Same as all these "extras" in our class." I explain before walking to Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima as I leave the hothead to cool off.
"You're a bada** (Y/n)! Standing up to Bakugou like that, like, d*** girl! If you want you can train with me. We both have lightning." Kaminari says after Sero finishes with what he just said. I smirk.
"Thanks Sparky! I'll see if-" I start but Bakugou stops me.
"Dude. I can chose who I want to train with or not. And unless you're going to train with me imma train with Sparky." I explain looking at Bakugou and pointing at Kaminari when I mention him. Bakuguo scoffs.
"Someone strong? Where are they?" I ask as I look around the room avoiding Katsuki as I look.
"D*** YOU PAINTING! I'M STRONG!" He growls and I smirk and grab his phone out of his pocket, quickly putting in my name and number. Hehehe I'm dead when I text him! I think as I put his number in my phone dodging him as he reaches for his possession.
"I'll text you my address tomorrow and we can train all day, if you're up to it. I'll provide lunch and everything!" I cheer as I finally hand him his phone. He scoffs.
"Whatever Painting." He says as he walks back to his seat done with socializing.
I walk back to Sparky and Captain Elbows. They kinda looked shocked, sane as a few others in the class. I smirk at their faces. "Dorks." I chuckle out.
"Can I have your number (Y/n)? Since we're friends and all." Sero asks and I nod and we exchange numbers and I set his name as Captain Elbows/Fang's Boyfriendo I laugh quietly as Sero leans over and sees the name and laughs. "Good one." He smiles and nudges Kaminari.
"How about me? Can I have your number (Y/n)~" he flirts and I smirk.
"Only if I can set my name on yours and you set whatever you want on mine. I'm already regretting this." I say and hand him my phone as he hands me his. I set my name as Tattoo Girl and add my number. I smirk and give him his phone and he laughs at the name. I look at mine and raise my eyebrows as I slightly blush.
"Future Boyfriendo?" I ask as I look at him as he chuckles.
"Please don't change it. I think it's funny." He says and Sero nods and laughs. I sigh.
"I'm finally making friends again and there's you dorks, an adorable alien, a hedgehog, and then my Cupcake dealer. What have I got into?" I say out loud as I realized two things. 1- I don't have Mina's number 2- I want another cupcake. "Mina! Phone number?" I say as I rush to her and a now calm Ochaco who smiles as I approach. Mina rushes to me and puts her number and Alien Queen as her name. I look behind her and see Ururaka looking at me and I beckon her to me and she looks a little shocked but comes anyway I smile and hand her my phone and grab her flip phone. Putting my number and Tattoo Dork as my name. I smile at her and then think something. "Can you float us so I can talk to you more privately?" I ask her and she seems confused but touches mine and her shoulder and we float up. A few people looked concerned but go back to their own business.
"I don't want to seem rude but what did you need?" She asks as I smile at her and get out my wallet. She stares as I hand her all my bet money that I made earlier this morning plus another $200 (its whatever much 200 USD would be in yen). She looks shocked and is about to say something but I cover her mouth with my hand.
"Keep it. I don't need it. It'll be better with you and not me. I want to be your friend, not because I pity you for not being the richest or poorest person, but because I see a hero inside your eyes that others probably don't. If you ever need a few extra dollars or something, please call me, I don't care and I get overpaid for chores. Now please put me down, this feels odd." I explain and she nods and puts us down. "Earth!" I say as I steady myself and smile at Ochaco. "See you Ochaco!" I say and walk away but bump into someone. "My bad! Oh! Sorry, Midoriya! I can be a clutz at times!" I smile at him and he blushes. "Hey, since you're friends with Ochaco can I have your number? For if you couldn't get in touch with her and I could text her or simply just we could be friends." I ramble as he looks at me and nods. I put my Tattoo as my name and add my number. I say my thanks before heading back to my friends.
"Why were you talking with f***ing Deku!?" Katsuki asks me angrily, without shouting for once, as he grabs my arm as I try to walk back.
"I talk to whoever I want, Kat. I'm my own person. Same as you." I explain as I look at him and he scoffs.
"Talk to whoever, but not Deku or Half and Half. Any of the other d*** extras are free for you to talk to." He says as he sends glares to Midoriya and Todoroki. I roll my eyes.
"I will talk to Midoriya because he's my friend and a friend's friend. I don't plan to talk to Todoroki unless I have to, so chill. You're being protective, Kat. People will think we're dating if you keep this up." I say as I leave him flustered at his seat. "See ya, Kat!" I say as I walk away giving a small wave.
The day went by faster than I thought as I continued to make more friends and get closer to my first ones.
"I'll see ya tomorrow guys!" I say before undoing my blazer and revealing my tank top underneath after I got all my schoolwork together.
"(Y/n) that is very disrespectful and inappropriate! You should not strip while still on school grounds.
"It's not disrespectful when it's something that you have to do for your quirk and I'm not showing much skin. Like I'd want to anyways all the guys in here are too rudish and have a stick up their a**. So I'm not trying to impress anyone Iida. I'm trying to be your friend but don't make me change my mind, I know you'll be an interesting friend for me to have." I ramble as I unfurl my wings at the beginning as I look at him as he looks a little guilty. "I'll try to do it outside next time. My wings just really needed to stretch because my parents drove me instead of me flying." I say as I walk to the door and see a bunch of students out the door. "Who are you? May I get through please?" I ask as I try to walk out but get stopped by as a few send glares. The class starts to question the kids outside our door as the clock ticks by.
"They're here to look at the competition. We face real villains, they wanted to see the real face of a future pro." Bakuguo says as he walks an gets beside me and stops to mock them.
"I've heard of class 1a but you just sound like an a**." The purple haired boy says as he looks at Bakugou and our class. Hitoshi Shinso starts to ramble on about how he wanted to be in our course but life chose differently for him. You could take Mineta's spot. He's basically useless. I think to myself as I look at him. "I didn't make the cut but I can have a chance if I do good in the festival. So don't get too cozy, I plan to replace one of you. My peers may be looking at their competitor but I'm saying that if you don't do your very best at the festival. I'll replace you. Consider this a declaration of war." The jerk face says as a few of my classmates get intimidated by him, secretly me too but I don't let it show on my face.
"Hey you! I'm from class B next door to you! We heard you fought some villains and I came to see if that was true! But you're just a bunch of brats who think you're better than us!" A Silver-haired weird eyelashes guys exclaims as he points at Bakugou.
The class starts to mumble a few things as I softly glare at Lavender and he looks at me and tilts his head and stares.
"Happy you got in, (L/n). Don't think I'll go easy on you though." Hitoshi says as Bakuguo walks out.
"How the hell do you know Painting!? Painting meet me at the gate. I'm tired of these d*** idiots." Bakugou says before he leaves and pushes through the crowd and I say a small okay as a reply.
"Dude, where are you going? You're the reason they're hating on us!" Kirishima says as he rushes to the door.
"These people don't matter. The only thing that's important is that I beat them." He states before he starts to leave.
"Really, Kat? Good job, we're the hated class now. Thank you oh so much." I say sarcastically as he stops.
"Just meet me at the d*** gate Painting! Don't let these losers stop you. Dumba**." He says as he walks away and I sigh.
"I hate that that was such a manly exit!" Kirishima states as there rest of the squad walks up.
"Your the dumba**. Come on guys let's go." I grumble as I pull them through the crowd of teenagers. We make it out and I breathe a sigh of relief and stretch my wings a little.
"Your wings are so pretty. They look like an angel's!" Mina says as she pets them.
"Because she is one!" Kaminari says as I roll my eyes trying to find my brain inside my head.
"Yeah that's is definitely a lie! I'm too mischievous for an angel and I think I'm too snappy for one. But I did dress as an angel as Halloween when I was...10 or 11? My mom took a picture of me and it's framed in the parlor where most can see. I moved it a couple times but they would just move it back." I ramble and laugh as I recall the memories. They all stare at me. "What?" I ask confusion lacing my voice.
They smile, "We want to see it. And then a remake!" Mina says as she drags me through the entrance and the boys follow in pursuit, as Bakugou yells after us as he asks where they're taking me as he follows behind. We make it to the parlor in a few minutes of us all running, we're all a little winded as we get to the parlor doors.
"Dad!? Mom!? I'm home! I brought my friends! They wanted to hangout! So that's what we're gonna do!" I say but get no reply, then see a note on the counter. It read:
Dear (Y/n) and/or costumer,
We went out for an emergency that needed to be attended to immediately. Sorry for the inconvenience.
The (L/n)s

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