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~(Y/n) POV~

I quietly walk down stairs and to a lower floor with more of the girls in it.
Squeeeak! I turn around and see the not so stealthy Kirishima grimacing as he slowly lifts his foot. I shake my head and gesture for him to follow me.
"Ochaco. Are you awake?" I ask quietly as I open her door to see her looking at me very confused.
"(Y/n)? What are you doing down here? Class starts in one hour and half the class isn't awake yet." She asks me before gesturing for me to come in. "Kirishima's here to?" She says when Kirishima walks through the door behind me and I quietly shut it.
"We're sorry to bug you Ochaco but do you have any concealer? I don't wear makeup so I don't have any." I ask and she nods.
"Yeah I have some. It's not the best but it works. Why do you need it?" She asks and I go red and look towards Kirishima who slowly nods.
"I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone, okay?" I say and she nods a little confused. I grab my shirt collar and pull it down so she can see a few of the black and purple hickeys. I lift up my shirt a little and she can see the big one on my stomach. "I need the concealer to cover up these hickeys." I says and she smiles brightly at me.
"You guys had a makeout session! That's so cute!" Ochaco says and I blush as she walks over on her excitement energy. "Does Kirishima have some too?" She asks and without thinking lifts his shirt and sees a few hickeys I left on his stomach. "Sorry, I kinda got excited and did that without thinking." Uraraka chuckles nervously and I shrug.
"I'll pay you back for the concealer." I say and she nods before going to a small bag and digging through until she walks back with the concealer. "Thank you so much Ochaco! We really appreciate it." I say and she smiles.
"Wait...why couldn't you ask Mina? She probably has more makeup than me. Not trying to be mean to Mina or anything." The bubbly girl asks and I chuckle nervously.
"Mina has a jealous side. And I didn't want her mad at me or Kirishima if she found out." I say and she nods.
"You guys better go before anyone else wakes up. You should see if you can put in your costumes earlier so you can put on the concealer without anyone seeing the hickeys." Uraraka says and I nod before we say our goodbyes before we leave.
"Yeah you can change into your costumes early. Enjoy your hiding your hickeys." Aizawa says and me and Kirishima both flush.
"H-how'd you know?" I stutter and he turns with a smirk.
"I can see that one that's by your collarbone. Now get changed quickly or I'll let the others change early as well." Aizawa says and me and Kirishima dash away to change into our costume.
"Kirishima, are you done?" I knock on the door and here a come in.
"Can you put the concealer on me? I don't know how to makeup." Kirishima says and I chuckle.
"Yeah. No problem, Eijiro." I say with a smile an d walk over to him with the conceal open. "This will be a little cold." I say with a smile and he nods before I rub it on the hickey and he jumps a little.
"D*** that's cold!" He states and I laugh.
"I told you." I say with a big smile as more and more hickeys aren't visible anymore. "There. All done." I say and pat his chest before finishing up with the ones I missed earlier.
"Ready?" Kirishima says and I nod with a small smile before we both walk out.
"WERE YOU TWO CHANGING TOGETHER!?" A big gasp comes from the end of the hallway and we quickly turn our heads to see Kaminari looking at us.
"BE QUIET!" I yell and cover his mouth when I reach him. I quickly take him over to the stairwell and shove him in there.
"Hey!" He whines and I rub my temples together as I pace in panic.
"It's alright, (Y/n). Don't panic." Kirishima says trying to calm me and I sigh.
"At this point the whole class is gonna know! Iida knows! Uraraka knows! Aizawa knows! Kaminari-"
"Did you two have sex!?" Kaminari says and both me and Kirishima flush.
"NO!" We both yell at the same time.
"Ugh! I guess I'll have to show you!" I say and wipe away some of the concealer on one of the hickeys at my neck and hear Kaminari gasps.
"You have a hickey!" Kaminari says and I nod. "Kirishima do you have some too?" He turns to the red head who nods. "D***it! I was supposed to give you your first hickey! Not Kirishima!" Kaminari says with a groan and I roll my eyes.
"Yeah my first hickey was taken before Kirishima did these. Sorry, Kiri." I say and Kirishima nods but looks a little jealous.
"Who was it?" Kaminari demands and look at my wrist and make a face.
"Look at the time! We're running late! Gotta go! BYE!" I yell and rush down the stairs to the first floor.
"Good to see you're done." Aizawa says making me flinch before I nod.
"Yea. I had to help Kirishima with applying the concealer and then Kaminari saw us come out of his room." I ramble to him and he nods.
"So how many people know now?" Aizawa says and I sigh.
"Four. You, Iida, Uraraka, and Kaminari." I say and he looks confused.
"Iida?" He says and I flush a little.
"He walked in while we were making out. He lectured us after dinner but he said he wouldn't tell you because he ships me and Kirishima." I say and try not to look at Aizawa's face and I hear him chuckle.
"Even though I'd prefer you with Mina, you and Kirishima are my second ship." Aizawa says and I turn to look at him.
"WHAT!?" I yell and he rolls his eyes before walking away.
"Good morning, (Y/n)!" Mina says from behind me and I turn to look at her and her eyes turn confused. "What the-WHY DO YOU HAVE A HICKEY!?" She yells at me when she gets close enough to inspect my neck and I shrink a little.
"S***! I forgot to cover that one back up!" I say as I pull out the concealer and rub it on the purple hickey.
"THERE'S MORE!?" Mina exclaims and I look away but nod. "Who did it? Bakugou? Kaminari? Kirishima? Sero?" Mina lists and I flush when she mentioned the red head. "IT WAS KIRI-!" She claims but as if summoned he places a hands over her mouth.
"That's enough sugar for you in the morning Mina." He says and she glares at him before he lets go of her mouth.
"As happy I am for you. I'm mad at you." Mina states and we both look at her curiously.
     "Why?" Kirishima asks and I turn to look at her.
     "Because. You're not supposed to be the one stealing girls from someone! That's what I do!" Mina exclaims and I laugh but cover my face so they don't see my blush. "Come on, (Y/n) you're gonna be helping me with my super move." Mina states as she grabs my arm and starts to drag me away to where our class is.
After about two hours of endless drilling you and Mina finally come up with a super move, Hydrolytic Acid. The day ends with Monoma mocking our class before we leave to go back to our dorms.
We're so much closer to achieving our goals of being heroes. And with it all we have something the other schools don't have as strong. Friends.

A/n- sorry if this ended a little abruptly. It'll probably take me a few chapters to do the hero exams and near the end of our story. Comment a few suggestions of what order you think I should go in for the characters before I start the ending episodes. Don't worry they are alternative endings.

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