19-Hellhound v. Painting

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There has only been a few changes to the festival battles. Iida faces an extra person that I made up but he wins, because there is an odd number and Ibara Shiozaki lost the first round to Kido, that they pulled out from one of the guys who dropped out. Sorry but I didn't know how else to handle it. The only other thing that I changed for the battles is the order. You'll see why next chapter.
Anyway! I've changed the story up a tiny bit. You have a secret live tattoo that's hard to handle and really powerful, that's why you rarely use it. It contains two deer both with Light powers and Dark powers. Their tattoo is on your side just below your chest. The buck: Lucien. The doe: Luna. Picture of them both at the top by me!
Thank you just-a-smoltown-girl for the name ideas! I love them!
~Bakugou POV~
     I enjoyed watching d*** Deku get creamed by that half and half b******. It made me smile. Ha! Loser! I thought after. Sure he broke a few bones but whatever. He lived, sadly. I see Painting leave at the beginning of half and half and Deku's match. I quirk an eyebrow as she leaves. She's going against the hound dog. I know she'll win. She's stronger than him, that's for d*** sure. So why is she leaving early?
     "That was intense! And cold! Very cold!" Tape arms says as they fix the battle stage.
     I see Painting, the hellhound with a blanket in his arms, the mummy, and the stripper at the side waiting for everything to be ready. Why is the Mummy down there? Why isn't he at the announcer booth with that loud mouth? Is Painting gonna be okay? I think confusedly.
     "You okay, Bakugou? You've been staring at them for three full minutes now." S***ty hair ask and I glare at him as a reply.
     "None of your business Crappy Hair." I retort back and he nods. I see them all get on the stage. I look at Painting nervously. Why am I worried about her? She's perfectly fine on her own! This d*** challenge made me soft! I now have feelings for the cute idiot girl! I think as I clench my first in anger and confusion. Wait-I HAVE FEELINGS FOR PAINTING!? WHAT THE HELL!? I think at my realization. I shake my head and focus on the match.
     The stripper and mummy step on the side stage. "The next match is (Y/n) (L/n) and Tashio Kido! BEGIN!" Stripper yells as she snaps her whip in the air. I was anticipating Painting quick attack. Neither of them had moved.
     Move dumba**es! What're you waiting for, Painting!? Move! I look at them confused mixed with anxiety.
     The hellhound starts to shift to his overgrown mutt form. I look over at Painting expectedly. She charges forward not letting him have time to fully shift. She meet him as he finishes and throws a few good punches to him, I heard the mutt whimper a little. She jumps back from him as he charges at her quickly. She looks at the mutt and then quickly the mummy who nods. She steps back farther and says something to herself. Out of nowhere two deer appear. A white buck with black antlers, hooves, nose, and eyes. And a black doe with white hooves, eyes, and nose. I'm awestruck by the appearance of them.
Is this the living tattoo that she mentioned but didn't show? Probably. I've never seen it before. I question as she yells at the two deer and they charge at the mutt who looks very confused and taken aback at the scene before him.
The moves back a little as the two deer charge at him. He quickly covers himself in flames. The deer stop at his action and then quickly look at Painting and she nods.
"Lucien! Luna! Combine and transform!"
Painting yells and the deers run to her before a black and white flash appears leaving me a little blinded by the brightness. I look back up and blush at the sight of the girl on stage. Her hair is half white and black (kinda like that half and half's hair), she has small antler stubs on her head, her right eye is black-(e/c) and her left is white-(e/c), she now has small hooves, and a fluffy black and white tail. She dashes at the hound who is startled by her new appearance. He makes his flames bigger but she disappeared and reappeared behind him and kicks him in the back making him fall forward. He turns around to hit her but she already on the other side of him hitting him again. So much power for one tattoo. I think as she keeps repeating her attacks. The mutt tries to hold strong but is slowly decreasing in size and becomes human again. He runs at her as she looks away for a second. I hear a grunt when his fist makes contact with the side of her face. He keeps charging at her and landing hits as she tries to dodge but they land. He backs up after a good amount of hits have landed on her and they both breathe heavily.
He chuckles. "That was....a....good....fight.........(Y/n)...you...win." He says as he falls to his knees before passing out.
"KIDO IS UNABLE TO BATTLE! (L/N) WINS!" Stripper says and I smirk at her victory. (Y/n) walks over to the mummy before she transforms back to normal. The both deer nod to her before they disappeared. I see the mummy look at her and deactivate her quirk and she falls to her knees. He helps her up and walks her out.
"Why did Aizawa deactivate (Y/n)'s quirk? And what is that tattoo? We've never seen those deer before." Raccoon eyes asks the question I was asking myself in my mind.
"Whatever it was...it's powerful. Very powerful. I'm going to check on her." I say getting up.
"But she's not the happiest with us right now." Dunce face says as he grabs my wrist.
"Does it look like I care Pikachu? I'm gonna see her." I snarl as I make my way to Recovery Girl's office. I open the door and blush when I look inside at the girl on the bed.

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