Attack on Camp . . . the Monster One

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Piper pov

So far the plan was going great. By that I mean I hated my part in it. I was paired with Khione and that was not the best situation, let me tell you. We pretty much hated each others guts.

But I guess that it is not the worst. I could be with Frank retrieving, Riker from whatever giant prison he is in on the other side of the camp. Our job was to distract the monsters so that Frank could get Riker from it. Jason and Nico attacking from our right while Hazel and Annabeth will attack from the left. Leo was making some last minutes preparations on the cannon with the spear and when done he will blast a path for all of us to escape. 

I had a bad feeling but what else could I do.

I snuck forward, Khione following me.  I got into the hearing range of the first minsters before clearing my throat to charmspeak them.
"Hey, go kill the first monster you see!" My voice has become a deadly weapon against monsters so they were powerless to resist.

They immediately started attacking each other raising confusion and panic. Khione started firing icicles and freezing blasts into the jumble of monsters, creating more panic. I could here in the distance other cries of panic as well, most likely Jason and Nico beginning their attack. I couldn't see frank near the statue but I guess that was the whole point.
I took out Khatropalis and pounced into the mess of monster's shouting command sat the monsters to stand still or to start dancing the tango. Khione followed me onto creating a freezing aura on the battlefield. Luckily with my charmspeak, they didn't attack us directly being to focused on each other.

Nico pov
I sighed. Once again I was stuck with Jason fighting a deity.

Backing up to the plan me and Jason were supposed to attack this side of camp while Piper and Khione attacked the other with Frank rescuing Riker and Leo providing a way out. I really wished we didn't have to attack this side because had the titans and the sky god. And if you thought it couldn't get worse . . . it did. The god, Ouranos sensed us and then commanded the titans to attack us, which wasn't pleasant. Jason planned to lure the titans away but that left me fighting the worse opponent I had ever faced. Even worse was that due to being a son of Hades, our very divine natures were against each other.

I grumbled once again. I hated fighting other gods. When I became one I realized it was something minor gods did as a sport. To see who was better than who and what ever else besides bragging rights.

Plus I was inexperienced due to being a ten year old god. But thankfully, somehow I was doing pretty okay.
Ouranos seemed to noticed that so his strikes with a pole of clouds got forever fiercer but I could just barely handle them. I think he might be a bit rusty too. Not only bring dead for awhile but also unexpected killed probably would do that to a guy. I certainly would.
I then realized something. This is probably why he besieged Riker with monsters. Because if I could hold on, he certainly could.

I spoke out concerning my observations, hoping to make him mess up. "Feeling a little rusty, aren't you. Don't feel so bad I am not the best but I can still help someone warm up, just ask Jason when he gets back.
Ouranos growled at me and like I expected his swings of his staff got wilder and unrestrained like that of an inexperienced fighter.
I mentally shook my head. The guy was actually this gullible. I half hoped he had a hidden card up his sleeve because emanating this could end fast.
But just then I heard a loud thump that rattled the ground. I looked over to see the statue at the edge of camp had started moving.
I had just jinxed us didn't I.

Sorry, did some editing! and now reposting.

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