In the early Morning

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Annabeth prov

I couldn't believe it. Another quest and I again was apart of it. If only Percy was here. He would be a great asset to the quest because he was our number one fighter. But he is gone, down in Tartarus still because he hasn't reappears. And if he is out, why has he not come forward? I grabbed a few choice items and stuff them in my backpack. I had already pack my suitcase full of clothes and other things. But this was an everyday backpack, for fighting monsters and spending money. 

I was up early too, at like 3:00pm. What sleep I got was meager and full of all manner of demigod dreams. Fights with monsters and of course him, Seaweed brain. I just can't sleep well because of them. Percy had the same problem too, but less dreams. Oh my mind just can't stay away from him. I sighed and stood up. The harpies go to bed around three anyway. I walked out of the cabin backpack slung over my shoulders. I pulled my suitcase along as I walked to big house. Hopefully others might wake up soon. I knew Leo probably was awake, already fiddle with some last minute touches on whatever he was now working on. I walked up the front steps and opened the door to the living room. I sat down near the ping pong table and pulled out my book on architecture. The others will be here soon enough. We are to be on Olympus at six in the morning. A mere 3 hours ahead. I could keep busy for that long, right? Right? "Maybe" was all my mind whispered back.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leo prov

I couldn't really sleep the whole night. I was too nervous to try. I had to convince a goddess that I had a crush on, and then whipped her butt in battle. She cheated when I got sent to Calypso's island. I rescued Calypso then only to be sent on another quest. A quest I dreaded because Khione won't be happy to see us. We did after all knocked her off of the high and mighty seat during the giant war. I was fiddling with some scrap metal parts and wires. I was in my personal room and even though others probably were up and nervous as I was. I just right now didn't have the energy to go to the big house. I grabbed some pliers and twisted a wire with another. "There complete." I didn't have to say anything out loud but it felt nice to. The thing I created was a tiny helicopter drone. I grabbed the control I made earlier and piloted it around the room. It blew my stack of blue papers around the place but was relatively quiet. I directed it back to the desk in front of me.

All I need to add was a camera and I would have a perfect scout. I looked around in the drawers but nothing was there. I frowned I certain I put the camera in the middle drawer, on the left. I looked there again. I had a few things here and there but no camera. I shifted through a few things but nothing. I was closing it when I spotted something I didn't notice before, on the side. It was a smiley sticker. One of ones Harley now was using as his mark. I couldn't help it, I screamed. "Harley! This is my room stay out and ask!" He had already stolen some things from me and some others. I glared at the switch near me. I thought I had fixed the security system. I growled silently. I grabbed my suitcase and my backpack and punched the control button. "There will be pay back!" I yelled. Our cabin did not always sleep and Harley was one of the kids who once he got going, he got going. "Mi amigo, that was my small camera!" I stomped out the front door of the cabin and headed up the big house.

I could see a light on, so hopefully some else was up. I walked along the path kicking a stone here and there. When I walked inside I could her pages of a book turning. It was probably Annabeth, she was always up early ever since Percy got sent to Tartarus. Almost like she was keep watch for the day he came back. The gods would care less if he appeared or not. It's been quite a long time. "Then again... maybe not." I mumbled. They were immortal and grudges may last eons. I know Poseidon didn't have one. He already had sea creatures and horses on the watch for any sign of him, just to sorry. Zeus maybe might be the grudge person, since he is high and mighty. The other gods on the council, I have no clue.

"Hi Leo. It's good to see Someone else up at the early hour. The others should be waking now." The voice came from the right. It was Annabeth, sitting on the couch holding some sort of book she currently was reading. I smiled at her.

"Good to see you too. Hopefully the others will get up because I don't want to be tardy in front of Zeus." We both chuckled. I grabbed a chair and sat down. Annabeth went back to reading while I searched my pockets for a rubber band to use. Only one hour and a half to go till we needed to be at Olympus.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piper prov

My dreams were a mess tonight. One moment I was fighting a monster then next I was the monster. I watched myself stab me and I disappeared. When I opened my eyes expecting to be in a biting cavern or something like what Annabeth has described Tartarus. But instead I was at a cafe. My dad was next to me and was telling me that I would be sent away. I cried. Even though we were on better terms now, this memory still was heartbreaking. I closed my eyes again.

When I managed to open them I was in a snow covered street. People were everywhere laughing and talking. It was like I was in New York City at December. But this was different. Almost everyone was speaking French. I realized what this meant. I was in Canada. Somewhere near the hotel Khione and her father lived with her two brothers. I glanced up to see a bronze metal dragon. I started puzzled. This was the past, I saw that Festus stopped in mid air. Probably when the brothers came out to talk to us. I watched some more, then when I expected Festus to move forward again, he didn't. In fact the boreas brothers moved out with frost energy seeping from their weapons. The sky crackled and somehow in a bright flash I was on Festus. Then i was falling. Jason was screaming, Leo was an ice statue, I was also increased.

I woke up with a gasp and a question. Was that a normal dream or a demigod one? I glanced at the clock. It was time to get up anyway.

Sorry it took so long. School is tough, am I right? A shout out to all those who struggle at school or anything else. Thank again for reading.

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