Last lesson of the Day part 3

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Riker pov
I followed the kids down the hill, keeping my pace moderate. I worked hard to erase the smirk of my face. But I could tell Hannah was suspicious a little. But she had other things to worry about.
Both herself and Samuel and Micheal, were struggling to slow down. Mostly trying to stay on their boards. I sweetly cruised after them, calling out encouragement and smart comments.
"Slow down guys. You haven't stopped once and you were supposed to." I could feel their irradiation growing.
"Stop we can't STOP! THE SNOW IS CURSED." Micheal yelled farther down.
"That's right, it's cursed, you did something . . . DIDN'T YOU!" I faked a concerned and confused expression. I could tell they weren't buying it, but they had no chose to belive me.
I carefully pulled out my phone and got the camera ready. I wanted to remember this moment perfectly. The end of the slope was approaching and the wipeout moment supreme, was waiting. The kids noticed it as well.
"How will we stop?" Mister Riker! HOW WILL WE STOP?!" I looked at him in disbelief and carefully yelled back.
"If you won't follow the normal ways of stopping, being rebellious teenagers, you will just have to wipeout"
The replies I got were instant.
"WHAT?!" all three kids yelled at the same time. Then I carefully raised my phone and turned it on to video settings. I clicked the start button and recorded the next moments.
Micheal was first. He was wobbling pretty bad and one moment he was standing and the next he crashed to the ground and was tumbling forward across the flat ground of the end of the slope.
Samuel wasn't wobbling as bad but he crashed into Micheal and the both went down hard. The sound of the collision was audible from here. Hannah ever being herself, screamed as she neared them. Then just as both boys stood up, she crashed into them, sending all of them tumbling to the ground. I cackled, not even caring how I seemed to anyone. Then I ended the video and concentrated on stopping myself before I crashed.
I then promptly uploaded the video to YouTube. I smirked at the kids then faked another concern expression toward them.
"You should get some ice on that."
Just for Writing 1001

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