Percy? Evil? No . . .

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Nico prov

I stared at the space Khione accopied seconds ago. What did she mean by percy didn't want to see us. Or the fact that she implied that she has seen him. I looked at the others.

Annabeth was silently shaking in anger. Piper just looked a bit shocked while Jason started forward with an abnormal stoic expression. Leo, Frank, and Hazel were staring at each other, their faces blank.

"Um, guys. Did you know what she meant by that?"

Hazel looked at me then shook her head slowly before speaking.
"Why do I have the feeling that this is going to be hard to convince Khione to our side."
While she spoke Jason looked at us. I could tell that something was going on in his head. I could almost see ideas flashing in his eyes.
He spoke after Hazel finished. It sounds like she met Percy, and by the way she acted makes it seem she will fight against us and for us.
I caught the underlying words in that sentence.
I spoke, "Surley, you don't mean that, Jason. Percy wouldn't betray us. He won't fight for the other side."
Annabeth looked at me when she heard my words. She looked troubled.
"I am not so sure, Nico. People change, Percy is no exception. We might be fighting a war against him if he joined the  monster's side."
I felt a chill at those words. Fighting against Percy didn't sound so good considering all the facts. His was our strongest fighter. He had amazing powers. And to top it off He has been immortal for the past ten years. And might have powers we don't know about.
We all got a power that day when we turned immortal. Or in Frank's case a weakness removed.
What is Percy like now?
Annabeth prov
I didn't want to speak those words but they needed to be said. I watched as everyone eyes glazed over, imaginging the same thing I did.
Percy smirking at us. A sword in hand and monsters bedside him. The smirk changing into an evil grin. Then a slash of metal and just red from then on out.
I closed my eyes at the free last part. The red was all over in my mind. I took a deep breath and slowy breathed out. People change but I just hope Percy didn't.
"Guys?" I spoke, "Lets not wait around. We don't know anything for sure and Khione just isn't used to us yet. Lets continue to our lesson."
I took a step forward and then another. Hoping the others would get out of their stupor and follow. Leo as usual, attempted some humor.
"Yes lets go, I think I can master the slopes and burn you all to kingdom come"
"Righttttty. . . kingdom come. . ." Frank said.
I laughed a little and starting walking in earnest. Everyone moving now as well.
Riker prov
I walked into the store ready to take attendance of the class there. This was all I had left to do. I could meet Katie afterword and possibly figure out why a minor goddess was interested in me.
I thought back to what she said earlier. I wonder what she meant by friends. The way she said it sounded very strange. More like enemies than friends.
Maybe it was them. That certainly would make sense. I probably would react the same way. After all, the sad thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies, only your friends.

Yes super short. I'm going to have to leave it as it is. Enjoy I will update soon with hopefully a longer chapter.

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