The War's prophesy

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Rachel Dare stiffened before the pantheon of the gods. They had only been debating the threat of the abundance in Monsters when she did. Green mist began to pool from her mouth and surround her. Then she speaker of Delphi spoke.

"A third great War is coming to show

Ones of the past, no longer mortal must go.

They must convince the one of snow.

Snow choice impacts, either friend or foe.

The Sky and his sons again in good terms.

Can the Olympians show that they have learned?" 

With that the mist dissipated and Rachel collapsed into the arms of the Apollo campers by. All at once all the gods were shouting at each other for order and excusing each other of the repeated mistakes. The campers looked at each other. They had heard stories of the last two wars. Now there was a third? A few older campers looked at one another. Their skin gleamed though they stood in dim light. They knew what the ones of the past meant. Then they grouped together and one spoke up above the chaotic noise. 

"I guess it's us that have to go. Nico too if Hades will let him from his duties. I don't have a thought on the rest but that we know." Jason spoke. The gods quieted down sneaking glances at one another. They quickly spoke in Ancient Greek, some people barely hearing a few words. Then Zeus spoke for them.

"That is great. I am sure Hades will lend Nico, to go on the quest. We also came to the conclusion the the one called snow might be the goddess of Snow Khione. I am sure you met her on your other quest before. We will send you off tomorrow for Canada." With that the gods flashed out leaving the immortal campers glancing at one another. 

Leo grinned. "So Khione can probably be my date to Apollos party next week?


Riker grinned. He just got of the tramp and walked towards the edge on the drop before him. "Last run people move along. Lastrun." a worker called. Riker just rolled his eyes. He could do this any way, here or up top the mountains. He was hungry though and could smell the cinnamon donuts from the top. He slowly leaned forward. His board tipped closer to the edge. He shifted his balance once more and before he plunged downwards on the slope. He bent his knees and held out his arms. He weaved down the hill going off the biggest jumps. He laughed at the wind in his face. Nearing the end of the slope something bright flickered at the edge of his view. He looked but still saw nothing. He shrugged and continued down, lining up for the last jump. He crouched down more on his board and speed up using his powers of snow. I rocketed off and willed myself to do a three sixty. I managed an extra spin before i crashed back down to earth. 

The slope began to level out allowing me relax without crashing into anything. "Nice trick you did there." A girl appeared out of nowhere on a snowboard bright white, to my left. 

"Holy Hades! I didn't think anyone else was out here this late." he also mentally slapped himself. He should have been more aware of his surroundings. He could have been attacked. He returned his attention to her. She was dress in the same blinding white as her board.  "I haven't seen you before. What brings you here." He asked as both boards stopped on flat ground. 

"Oh my father lives near here. Normally I would be doing this or that but today I am escaping my two brothers. They have been driving me crazy." She furrowed her brow for a second. "Oh my name is . . . Katie by the way" I smiled at her hesitation. Something though was off about her.

"Nice to meet you." he held out a hand and katie shook it. To her it probably seems normal but he checked to see if she was powerful. As soon as his senses reached her, they were flooded with power. This was no mortal or even a demigod but perhaps a minor goddess. 

He smiled and help Katie with her board and brough on the topic of boarding tricks. "I learned that trick a while ago." He talked with her all the way to the restaurant, we he offered to by food. After an hour of this and that he made excuses and left. She had said her goodbyes as well. The whole time though questions popped into his head

Who was she really? Why now? What is coming"

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Khione's prov

I smiled and walked away outside. I was content to enjoy the outside a little more. The mortal boy was interesting. I was just drifting around the forest as a blizzard when i saw him on the slope. He was gorgeous and my first crush in a while beside the Jason boy. I was intrigued and planned to visit the slopes more often. I smiled once more thinking i should polish my snowboarding skills. I still had the smile as i burst in a blizzard once more and traveled home.

More chapters will come soon. Busy life ya know. Keep reading everybody.

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