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Leo's pov
I froze. Not literally because that is actually a bit hard to do to me. I just stood still is probably the better choice of words. Why? Its because apparently Khoine was acting as a mortal girl named Katie. I wonder why my fellow prankster has gained so much attention. Maybe some sort of bad luck follows him around. I spoke.
"What you didn't know that was Khione or you didn't care?" Annabeth shot me a look. I knew what it meant. Was that really the most important question right now, but I really did want to know. Did he or didn't he.
Riker eyed me warily. His expression still one half anger and the other half was just tired. Like this confrontation gave him took ten years of his life away.
"Yes I knew. I didn't want to care at first, but everyone knows when a god or goddess shows up something is going on. Then if course the immortal hero's of Olympus just had to show up as well." His small rant pretty much describe the way some demigods feel about their parents. I mean who wants to go joyfully on a quest filled with danger and sorrow.
"How did you know who we were? We never met you before. Are you a rogue demigod from Kronos army? Annabeth was the one asking all these new questions. Apparently she thought that ranting a bit meant he would answer all our question.
As I watched her fire off of her questions on rapid succession, Riker started in inch back back. Like Nico does when he doesn't want to be a part on a conversation. Looking at Nick now, he gaze solely on Riker, a frown on his face.
I blinked in my head I was picturing a ping pong ball game. Annabeth was serving several at Riker but he just let them go off the table. The rest of us just watched. Both in my mind and presently.
Riker seemed to realize that the only way out was to answer a few of her questions. The question about being a rogue must have made him more angry because he snapped the answer out for that one.
"No, I am not. If fact that was the last thing I would ever be. I have seen you before because belive it or not every Greek monster and god has your face memorized."
Then after a pause he spoke again. "If its another prophesy, keep me out of it. They have caused me too much trouble."
Then he took a giant step back and promptly busted into frost and snow, vanishing right before our eyes.
I turned toward Khione who for once just seemed confused and lost at the moment.
"Did you know he could do that?" She slowly shook her head. Annabeth was mumbling to herself then her head snapped up so fast that she could have given herself whiplash. Her mouth was moving but no words came out. The Jason who looked deep in thought up till that point, snapped his figures and spoke.
"Guys I don't think Khione is Snow. Riker is." I slowly thought about it. That maybe true.
Annabeth seemed to finally find her voice as well.
"That's not the only thing." She was close to tears at that point. "Remember what he said about prophesies. I think . . . that he was . . . Percy." Then she broke into tears. The rest of us . . . lets just say more than one person was shocked into disbelief.
It was about time I updated. I didn't want to get to much in trouble for waiting to write for so long.

Alone in Solitude; Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now