No Immortal Plays Fair

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Riker's pov

I can't do it . . .

Not at all . . .

I . . .

I just want to be left alone but I now do have to consider the odd feeling means there is a prophecy with my name on it. I can only imagine why I am in the new prophecy especially since the Olympians basically hate my guts.

If they didn't know I wasn't in Tartarus before, they sure do now. I glared at the floor of the car. I then sighed is overall weariness. I can't just stay simply hide now. I probably be hunted by both sides of whatever war is going on. Both want to kill me I can safely say that, but I do think there is more going on here.

"Sir? This is your stop." I glanced up at the driver, then out the window. I was in front of a random park. 

"Um . . . I thought I paid for a ride to the Hilton Hotel not a park." I then frowned and then closed my eyes, bringing my hands up to rub my forehead. This is the other side isn't it. First the Gods now I deal with them. Maybe I can pretend I wanted to go to the park?

"Wait! Never mind I realized I had wanted to go to the park! Here's your money. Bye!" I through a few bills at him then burst through the car door. Ready to mist travel away. I then realized I couldn't. There must be a sort of restriction going on.

"You looked so lost thought, I thought a change away from the city would do you good." I turned around to see the driver getting out of the car. At a glance, he seemed like a normal guy, then he started to blur before my eyes. His figure grew and his eyes started to glow with power. When his magic act was done, a primordial stood before me. 

The one and only Ouranos, primordial of the sky. Hands up, clap for me knowing this! I frowned at him. He had white fluffy hair resembling the clouds. His eyes were blue and in them I could see his power. He also was overly buff like every being out there. Why? . . . Why can't they be normal muscular men. No natural being has a 10 pack, only body builder that go to the extreme. His previous outfit changed to a blue oga with gold edges.

"Do I have to stay? I was hoping to watch the nightly news on NBC with Lester Holt." I just hoped he would drop the whole subject I maybe agree with me about some topics that are going on and with some  friendly banter then I could slip away.

"Of course you should stay! I put in so much effort just to keep you here. I even brought friends for you to socialize with." With a gesture he drew my eyes to the park we were by. Out of the woods came werewolves, drachnee, hellhounds, and etc. I felt my day just got real worse. "That is not even half of it. I came to offer you a proposition. Join my side!"

I stared up at him. He had a smile that could rival the sun, and that is saying something because Apollo has a lot of practice with overly cheerful smiles. He also had to be nuts. No one similes like that and is sane person, example A being Apollo. I didn't understand why this happens to me.

"Why?" His looked surprised at me. You are in the new prophecy. Have you not heard it? With the shake of my head, he gasped. "Well then I shall tell you it.

A third great War is coming to show.

Ones of the past, no longer mortal must go.

They must convince the one of snow.

Snow choice impacts, either friend or foe.

The Sky and his sons again in good terms.

Can the Olympians show that they have learned?

This obviously means that with you at my side you will help me teach the Olympians good manners. Haven't they been cruel with all they have done, I bet the envoy they sent didn't even tell you the prophecy."

 I chuckled a little bit. That was true. I admit the thought entertained me a little. But I wanted to stay alone.

"Wow, that's true but I will still have to decline. I'd rather stay out of this whole mess if you don't mind." Hopefully he will be considerate, but I knew my hopes were too high.

"Okay, I suppose that is reasonable." What?!! was the thought that went through my head. That has never happened before. I got whiplash when I turned to him.

"But you will have forgive me because I will have to make sure you are out of sight." With a shake of his head he sighed. I sighed too, I got my hopes up. "I do hope you will like your future accommodations though. I picked it up myself from the land without rain."

I stumbled back my mind racing. Land without rain! That is where Bianca died! Anything from there can't be good. I summoned my two-headed spear.

"I am not leaving without a fight." I stood is a fighting stance. He looked at just looked at me.

"Oh, I know." And before I could blink the monsters swarmed me. I glimpsed his figure disappearing among the tide of monsters.

I gritted my teeth and lashed out. I wave of water and ice hit the first wave of monsters in front of me. I then kicked the next monster that jumped in the air. I spun my spear around and hit another row of monsters. 

Before I knew it a mound of monster dust was around me making it hard to see. I had been fitting for hours and I knew this would be one tough battle to win. After slaying the next group of monsters I stabbed the ground with my spear causing a quake and than a burst of ice outward from my position. I panted looking around, that should have got the most of the hoard. I few werewolves were left. They only died by silver but you could tell being turned to ice was was painful in not lethal as well.

I couldn't seem an immediate threat but before I could try to teleport I WAS HIT IN THE BACK OF MY HEAD!!!! Cheap shot, FOUL!!!!!  I collapsed forward, my vision blurring. I felt myself being turned on my back. With dazed eyes I saw Ouranos smiling faintly. "Cheap shot."

 He just smiled faintly before saying, " Oh I know, but this was well worth the waste." I could feel myself being picked up as my eyes closed and darkness invaded my mind as one last thought skated through my mind, "No immortal plays fair."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Knione's pov

I stared out in shock. I had teleported near Riker's location hoping to clear a few things up when I realized he was fighting so many monsters. I watched as he was knocked out before Ouranos picked him op and slung him over his shoulder. The God's side was definitely screwed now.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leo's pov

I stared at my phone, the others crowing behind me all watching. I was surfing youtube to get my mind of things when a live feed showing Per- no showing Riker popped up. He was fighting monsters. I could tell the mist may have changed them to flying broken branches and the spear to a staff but it was easy to tell.

I alerted the others and we watched on in silence. The random mortal videotaping voice was lost to us as we watched him fight. Riker was powerful even more so than when I last saw him fight.

But what probably made it worst was when Ouranos showed up behind him, knocked him out at then walked away with him over his shoulder. 

I think I could practically predict our future now. We didn't even try to convince him earlier and by the looks of it he didn't want to help the other side either. He is now out of the equation of being captured and we are all doomed if Ouranos has even more monsters and sidekicks for us to fight.

Sorry for the long wait! Hope you enjoy reading!

Alone in Solitude; Percy JacksonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang