Khoine and "Friends"

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khoine prov

"What are you doing here?" I snarled. I didn't like that they were here. Especially that Leo Valdez. I glared at them with all the coldness i could conjure. They looked at me kind of shocked. None of them even responded to my question. I then discovered I could glare colder at them as my powers kicked in and the air around me grew cold.

I smirked at the faces. While I was used to cold, they were not. Too bad the fire user wasn't shivering.

"Come to gloat? Or something else? What is it and spit it out! I could just leave you know because you aren't being very interesting right now and i have better things to do."

For some reason the Athena spawn snapped which from past descriptions I knew that was not normal even now with her being a boyfriend crazed. 

"Better things to do? you got grounded by the gods. YOU CAN"T DO ANYTHING!" Her little spiel was a bit surprisingly said but not well thought out.

"Yes, Yes, I got grounded but I am not totally weakened. I still have many abilities that surpass yours. But this is all minor compared to your precious Percy Jackson. While me being grounded for what I believed in, he got sent to Tartarus for his ideals." 

I moved closer to their group, stopping by Leo. "Such a shame as well. He would have made a great ice statue. Even better than Jason." I twisted a curl of Leo hair in my hand, leaving frost along his head.

"Too bad" I let go of the lock of hair and stepped away. I smirked at the group that seemed at a lost for words.

"He should have been out by now right? Why hasn't he made himself known is really the question though." I stared lightly at them. 

"I know the answer."

He wanted to remain at peace away from the conflict. That's what I would do anyway. A silent pause happened. I stared each of them in the eye. Before slowly turning into snow.

"Do you?"

Alone in Solitude; Percy JacksonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ