Annabeth sees the snow

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Annabeth prov

I sighed. I stared out the window watching people go down the slopes. I couldn't keep my mind from thinking about that one boy. He was hot. He looked like snow in a physical form that was epically hot.

 The only problem is that's he is mortal and I am technically a minor goddess. But . . . that didn't mean I couldn't date him right? Minor gods and goddess have married and and dated before. So why can't I?

"Annabeth? Are you listening?" Piper's voice broke through my thoughts. 

I sheepishly smiled. "Sorry, I just not in the zone. What's the matter?" Piper smiled at me, knowing why I was out of it.

"We just were discussing ways that we could find Khione."

I thought about it for a moment. She did get on trouble a lot for aiding the wrong side of the war. Didn't she get grounded or something? I spoke up, "She got grounded right? Like punished or something?"

Leo slowly nodded. "Yeah I heard that she was trapped in some land boundary near her father's place which is the next mountain over." Leo seemed to think about it in is head. "So we bribe her for less years on her punishment."

I smiled gently at Leo. He got it right. "That's what I was thinking. Say we contact her father and the council first before we make that offer.

Everyone nodded before Jason finally spoke up. "Our lesson is soon shall we go?" I laughed a little. He really wanted to snowboard.

I hopped from my seat leaving some money for the waiter. I walked out with the rest wondering how well I will be able to grasp the activty of snowboarding. Then I heard a gasp to my left. I glanced at Piper who staring in the distance. She slowly raised her hand and I followed the implied line of sight. It ended at two people. Both I recognized. One was the handsome guy from earlier, the other was Khione. The goddess we were looking for. She was hard to recognize since she was wearing mortal clothes. But they still were a snow blinding white.

Another thought went through my head. I hope they weren't a couple.

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