I am not a battery!

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Riker pov
I slowly opened my eyes, my thoughts scattered and dizzy for a few seconds. I didn't recognize where I was for a moment then I jolted super fast into a standing position. I was in chains, trapped on a platform with a wall of weird crystal and metal behind me. It sort reminded me of something. I glanced around the area seeing monsters everywhere and a large tent in the distance. I tried to use my powers but couldn't.
What was going on? "Ah, I wondered when you where going to wake up." I was so distracted that I didn't even notice someone popped up beside me. It was the sky beard dude, Ouranos. He was giving me a weird smile. I frowned back at him.
"What are you doing?" I asked him.
He laughed like there wasn't anything wrong in the world.
Then with his creepy Apollo smile said, " I am finishing up my ultimate weapon! And you get to help me do it." I tried to move away from him, keyword tried. I couldn't get very far with the chains and he grabbed the collar of my shirt as well.
"Don't be like that, it is practically harmless. Remember how I said I had something from the land without rain? This is it." With a large gesture he pointed at the crystal and metal wall. I looked at it then looked back at him confused.
"Oh you can't see so up close can you. I can solve that." He grabbed me by my arms and then jumped off the freaking PLATFORM!
"AAAAAAAHHHBHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed. I am still Posieden's son and I hate flying. Ouranos didn't seem to care and flew higher before pointed down at were we just where.
"Now do you recognized it?" I did but I didn't want to. It was the failed Talos the Hepheast discard. The statue that took Bianca's life.
I swallowed harshly before speaking. "What are you going to do with that?" He smiled before he answered.
"You are going to power it, like a battery I am told. Things like this need elemental forces and with this automan, it needs a strong one." He pointed towards the crystal center. "Once I activate the cell that will become like a doorway into the powering part of the weapon. I just shove you through and bingo! It works. And you a totally out of way of this entire war as well, which is a win win for the both of us." I stared at him like he was crazy. He was, no doubt about it. I then looked at Failed Talos in shock. I am going to be a battery?
"No thanks, I'll pass on that. Just give me a ticket to Wyoming or someplace and I will be out of your hair."
He just smiled at me. "That's not how it works my friend. Let's do the spell shall we?" He flew me back down while I shivered at the rush of wind, I felt a little bit sick from being in the air. He set me down on the platform before chanting in Ancient Greek.
I didn't pay attention though because I wanted out of here. I slowly shuffled in my chains to what looked like the workers stairway. He either didn't care or didn't notice me. But then the words seemed to crescendo and I was snatched around the neck, then tossed into what used to be a solid wall. I stumbled then looked around at what seemed to be a circular space. I looked back at the way I came and I could see Ouranos smiling at me through some mist.
I then realized I could use my powers. I summoned my spear before throwing it at him. It went through the mist, almost hitting him but he dogded it, it went out of sight after that. I took a step forward intending to follow it but by then the mist solidified. I hit my nose agianst the wall. Rubbing it, I glared at Ouranos who was laughing. I then made the mistake of glancing down. I was standing on nothing but air. I scrambled and yelled.
"Let me out of here!" I took a deep breath at my panicking then froze I was dripping water. Not sweat but this seemed to come out of nowhere. I then felt a pull at my powers. I glanced up at Ouranous,"What did you do?"
"Nothing, just im using you as a battery" he laughed and then walked off of sight.
"Get back here! I am not done talking to you!" I glared in the direction He walked off in.
I then heard was his reply. "Oh, but I am though." I turned away, focusing back on my draining powers which I think led to all the water that was forming around me.  I tried to stop the flow but nothing happened. Soon enough, the pocket of space I was in filled up with water. The feeling of helplessness overwhelmed me for a second. What happens now?

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