Cafe Time

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Riker prov

I could barely keep from growling at people today since i saw the orange T-Shirts. I almost left but that would blow my cover or at least draw attention to me. That I did not want. I glared out the windows of the cafe. It was my lunch break and i know those seven will walk in. The first impressions will be simple and hopefully i know why they are here and when they will leave.

I clenched my mug tight in my hand then set to down. I looked down at my hands because they were trembling. I didn't want to see any of them. If I had a choice it would be Piper because she at least warned me that day a long, long while back.

I took a deep breath. Nothing needed to happen I could leave right now and help Thomas or something with his class. Perhaps get a few runs down.

I thought to what could happen with them here. I know Jason wanted to learn how to snowboard so he probably bought a lesson for everyone. I hope i don't get stuck as their instructor, but . . . knowing my luck I probably was. Not time to think anyway. Lunch was almost over, and if I wanted a run down the slope I would have to go now.

I took a sip from the mug, savoring the taste of the hot chocolate. Then leaving a bill, even though I worked here, I stood up and walked towards the cafe doors.

Opening one, I froze and stared at the people entering. It was my old friends. They stared back for the longest moment though probably only a second. I finally found my voice and pushed through them saying, "Excuse, me i need to get through." I barely wanted to touch them.

Jason spoke, "Sorry man." Looking at the others he said, "Move aside guys. He needs to get through." They parted before me as a walked forward. I tried not to look at them but I couldn't help glancing out of the corner of my eyes at them. Annabeth eyes were interested but also had a bit more, I shuddered a bit. I didn't need her in love with me again. Leo was just grinning and couldn't help but glance at Frank who's looked a little confused. Hazel and the rest just had the normal spark of interest that you have looking at strangers.

I moved through and just out of their reach I said a small "Thanks". I walked away with only one small glance back. Leo was laughing at Frank while Piper and Hazel where saying something to Annabeth who had flushed a bright red. Jason was already through the doors They all looked the same as before. Only I was different from before. I was different, Colder, and seperate. And I will remain that way.


Frank prov

When we reached the doors of the cafe, they opened and this guy with white hair walked through. He had blue eyes and and was a bit pale with a light tan. He was a bit strange and stared at us before saying, "Excuse me I need to get through." Jason immediately moved aside while speaking.

"Sorry Man." Glancing at us, because we still stood in the way, he got a little frustrated. "Move aside guys. He needs to get through." I moved into action. But I couldn't help staring. I half recognized him but I didn't know from where. The guy glanced at each of us as we moved past, muttering a thanks once he was past us.

As he walked away i asked a question, "Does he look familiar to any of you guys? He sure did to me."

Leo half sputtered while Annabeth murmured as is she was in a daze, "No, but he looked hot." Realizing what she said, I watched as she went red with embarrassment. Piper and Hazel laughed a bit but where agreeing.

"Someone has a crush!" Piper said. "What will happen now?" Hazel chuckled a bit at that

"Wait you don't recognize him?" Leo finally got out.

" I do! . . . I just don't know where from." I said defensively.

"He is the guy that I bet on about the jump. You owed me money because of his skills." Leo laughed a little before going on. "Come on lets get some food."

I nodded and looked at Jason. . . Or at least where Jason was a second ago. I looked toward the cafe in surprise. Jason was inside at the end of the line for the cash register.

I walked up to him with Leo right behind me.

Leo spoke to Jason "You disappeared there for a second." Jason looked just looked at us, a slight smile on his face.

"I got hungry and I didn't want to wait any longer."

On cue, his stomach rumbled. I glanced at his stomach then back at his face. I then looked at Leo who looked at me. We burst out laughing. I gasped then took a deep breath, trying to speak. "You . .(pant) . certainly are . (pant, pant) . . Hungry!" I couldn't stop after that.

"What so funny?" Came Hazel's voice. "Did something happen?" All the girls walked up with slightly confused faces, Annabeth's was still a bit red.

Leo snickered. "Nothing too serious. Just that our boy Jason's stomach agrees that he is hungry" Me and Leo collapsed into laughter again. Piper smiled, then walked up to Jason, half hugging him before turning to the rest of us.

"I am hungry too. Lets order food"

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi guys, glad your reading this fan fic. If you have any ideas on how the story should go or who to ship with ship who I would love to hear it. Everything idea can be used, right?

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