In the Shop

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Annabeth prov

Jacob was an out. He wanted to come along but that's not how quests work. Only the people designated by the prophecy get to go. I knew or relationship would end out this way anyway. Most of them did after Percy and I broke up. I wish I could go back to that day but I know things had to change.

I was glad Jason and Piper invited me along to buy the snowboarding lessons. It will be fun to try my luck down the slopes. Approaching the counter, I looked into the eyes of the young adult there. He was wearing glasses and had curly brown hair similar to Leo's. His name tag read James

"Hi what can I do for you guys? Here for a lesson?" he spoke. I glanced at Jason wondering if he was talking or if I was supposed to. He glanced at me then moved forward to speak, obviously being the gentlemen.

"Yes, we want to take a lesson in snowboarding. We also want to rent equipment as well. There is seven that will be coming."

James looked busy typing all the information in but in a second he said, "That's $345 plus tax."

Internally I whistled. This was not cheap. Lucky I knew we could pay for it. I glanced around while Jason took out his card. Piper was looking at me but glanced away as after our eyes met. She was just probably wondering how I was doing with the break up with Jacob. I seemed to have problems with every demigod boy I date. Percy, Andrew, Jacob are just to name a few. Piper's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey Annabeth, want to come with me to the cafe next door. I could kill for a pastry." I smiled and looked at the others.

"Lets get everyone first. Then have lunch." I followed her as we left Jason to finish up paying. A second later Jason scrambled after us, shoving the receipt in his coat pocket.

"Wait up guys. The lesson is at 3 so we better eat first." He grabbed Piper's hand and walked with us to the others who were standing and talking in the distance.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hazel's prov

I glanced away from the coat rack in front of me to see Annabeth walking away with Jason and Piper to the far counter. Most likely to buy a session with an instructor. I was excited to try snowboarding, even though I was sure I would wipe out more than enough times. I ended up buying a red coat. And walked to the others who already picked theirs. Frank and Leo where debating while Nico was just standing there.

Leo noticed me walking up, "Hey Hazel. Vote for my proposition. It's where we have Jason woo her to our side."

"I don't think Piper will like that, much less Jason. He is her boyfriend after all." I felt a bit sad for Jason if any other plan fell through.

"What about me?" Jason had walked up. I clamped my lips shut not wanting to see any lighting bolts in my direction. I glanced and Frank, Nico, and Leo. Once Leo eyes met mine he burst out laughing.

"What? Did I do something?"

"Nope, just a proposition that you should woo Khione to our side." Leo then burst in full on laughter. I joined in once seeing Jason horror struck face. Piper was laughing a bit as well but quickly disagreed.

"Nope that plan is vetoed. Jason is mine." I smiled again as Jason did gasping noises. He looked grateful and horrified all at once. Piper spoke again, "Anyway let's go to the Cafe for lunch."

Annabeth nodded in time and spoke, "agreed I am a bit hungry." I followed with Frank behind me. I skipped my hand in his and smiled. Today was a great day so far. What could go wrong?

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