Leo's favorite video

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I gave Annabeth and Piper the look. We all definitely saw what just happened but now there is a reason why he did, but the smirk of his showed more. We could let prankster meet prankster. Or blow it off and not let pranksters meet. Because that can cause a whole lot of trouble that won't end well. 

The reason for the look was because apparently Leo was surfing you tube on the ride just now and now currently was laughing at this new video of a wipe out on the slopes. The one we just witnessed. Apparently that guy did stuff like that from time to time. So we could just blow it off but the smirk really gave me chills. Annabeth and Piper as well. 

"Honestly, i have watched this already a hundred times and it can't possibly get even more hilarious." Leo exclaimed after pausing the video. Jason had chuckled a few times and Frank just looked a little confused. Hazel was scolding Leo for finding enjoyment in others pain.

This is why I was debating silently with Piper and Annabeth. Do we let destruction meet mischief? or keep the two apart. I looked again Annabeth face showed regret but resolve and Piper looked like she was still debating. I think it would probably be a good idea to tell every one. But that most likely will lead to confrontation.

I glanced at the girls one more time. Piper looked at me and nodded i looked at Annabeth and nodded. She nodded back at us. We will have to explain the reasons and just hope Leo doesn't get along too well with this person.

"Um guys", I interrupted, "there is something you should know about that video. . . That just happened here and something gives me the chills about the video up loader."

Leo looked up puzzlement and then as the rest of my words caught up to him, he looked excited. 

"We kind of already met him and he definitely shows some signs of being a part of our world. It's that white haired guy from before.

Leo just smiled and everyone's face around him drained of color. Then it hit me. The guy he bet on. The same guy in the cafe doorway. The same guy with Khione. The guy had magical powers a mischievousness to rival Leo if those videos of his proved anything. He just reappears everywhere. and we just gave an excuse for him to meet Leo.

Leo smiled sapped the energy from my bones and everyone else's. This wouldn't be the best. And now someone is going to pay for it and all the damages following.

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