Last lesson of the day part one

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Riker prov
I looked at the group of kids in front of me. I was lucky it was the last lessen of the day. And better yet last one for this class.
"Hi guys and girls. Ready to hit the slopes. We have already learn how to snowboard but today we are going to have a little fun."
What I meant by fun was not what they were thinking. They probably were thinking of a scenic snowboard route the slopes. I was thinking more of teaching them how to jump. . . and WIPEOUT.
Last class and a terrible terror filled class at that. Imagines two stuck up boys and a banshee screamer. Only three students, but they are the worse. They barley listened to me at all this whole week, and I am frankly done. I going to make it fun today.
"Line up you three and show me your equipment is in shape! I dont want any injuries."
Seriously I hope they die instead. They were that evil.
I marched them to the sky line and we all boarded the team for the jumping slope.  As we waited I took the time to explain what we were doing.
"We have not had they experience to do some jumps and since it is the last day, I treat you to it." I waited to say my next words. I didn't want them to think I was going to do something, which I was, but they didn't need to know that. "Lets get you guys out and into the snow."
I walked off barley pursuing attention to my three charges. If I did I would have seen them shiver at my words. The bandage girl, Hannah, spoke up or more like yelled it up.
"We can't do jumps well yet. Are you trying to kill us." I did a quick glance around to see if anyone was listening. Surprisingly nobody batted an eye. Maybe the girl had a relative that visitef a lot.
"Me? Kill you? Nonsense, you guys are grown up enough."
The stuck up boys, Samuel and Micheal, looked at me. Trying to see us I was insulting them or not. But being as they were didn't see the evil glint in my eyes as they tried to puff out their chests. Trying to seem grown up but they obviously are not.
I guided them to an open spot in the lanes down the slope. The particular area had rest stops for snowboarder instructors. One of the main reasons other people didn't use it. They wanted a continueous run. But this was also the longest one. And my little demon charges were not accustomed to such if it had no stops. They will be going out on high velocity style. I smiled at my charges. Lets go. We will meet at each stop to compare form. Then I abruptly smirked and left them standing there. As I speed down I called out to them, "Hurry up, I didn't teach you to stand there."
----------------------------------------------------------- Nick prov
I really didn't want to be here. Honestly I preferred to be asleep then watch this mess. But sadly someone has to clean up this mess. I silently cursed Annabeth.  Why me?
I watched as the group slowly returned their focus away from thoughts of an evil Percy. Jason half heartedly spike up.
"We have our lesson soon. We supposed to meet a guy named Charles." That got us moving a little bit. I glanced around the current room we were in. A group of four was heading out and another guys was waiting by a pile of equipment. I stared at the name tag,  Charles was all it said. Not to be the bother but he looked jut as annoyed and bored as I was.
"What's this thing?" Leo asked Holding up the foot straps that where supposed to be attached to the snowboard.
I mentally faced palmed. Thus was going to be a long day already.
Hi I know, it's been almost a month since I last updated. I expected to let you guys know I have about 9 days left of school so I will be able to right more. The next chapter is fun so keep reading to find out. Will post that one when I can. Enjoy!

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