Godhood Unwanted

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As soon as  opened my eyes i knew I was immortal. Strength was coursing through my veins and my sense towards water had dramatically increased. The though didn't make me happy.

I sat up and looked around. I was in the throne room of the gods. I stood up to see all the gods staring at me. I looked each one in their eyes then began to speak. 

"You knew i didn't want to be immortal. I wanted to honor those that have died. I hate you all!" I was breathing hard, my heart thumping. The gods and goddesses just stared at me. Then Zeus spoke to me as a speaker for them

"For the last time Perseus, We the gods do not take kindly to being up shown. You have disgraced us for the last time. Beg forgiveness now and you will be let go without punishment." I just stared at them. Why would I respect them if they could not respect me. I stared down at Zeus which as pretty hard because he was huge and on a gigantic chair. I couldn't believe what i just heard.

"You ask me to be beg forgiveness when it was you that dishonored me. I haven't showed disrespect in any way but now I wish i had. I am done with the gods and their tricks." I stared harshley at them. "Merit out your punishment" Zeus's face was red in embarrassment. The other gods as well just glared at me. Poseidon was among them. 

He burst out some words against me, "You are no longer me son. You should be grateful for what you now ha-" I cut him off. 

"You are an unjust father. Letting them go against my wishes. You would not allow the same to you. I same you are no longer my father." I stared at him. I barely heard my words as they left my mouth. I took out Riptide and threw it at him. I no longer cared for life. They rest of gods started shouting at me. Telling me that I was ungrateful. Then they started to suggest punishments for me. Athena being smart named Tartarus as a place to exiled for all eternity.

I could feel my face pale. I was nervous about that place. It was Greek Hell. But down there was a safe haven if i could get to it. The gods quickly agreed about it. Then as one, they started to chant. Nothing happened at first but then a portal opened below me. I sipped through it and started to fall.

I tried to grab the walls anything to stop me falling but all i could see was the portal above me. I then though about the powers i just acquired. I focused on myself to see billions of water molecules. I then willed myself by into mist. At first i was still normal but then before i know it I was a cloud of mist. I then controlled myself to float up towards the opening above. I speed up fearing the portal would close but it stayed open. Within moments i reached it. I stopped speeding i gently floated up into the throne room. 

The gods were still there chanting. They chanted until the portal was closed. I watched as they cheered and jeered at the ground. The made fun of me then one by one flashed out to go on with the rest of their day. Not one new I was there in mist form floating above their selfish heads. I smiled then again willed myself to solid form.

I stood there staring at the thrones before me. Then i finally spoke words that were now true. "I am no longer Percy Jackson. I refuse to to have that name and everything with it. I swear on the river Styx."  With that the strangest sensation flowed through me. I went near Aphrodite's throne because it had mirrors and gasped. My raven black hair had gone white as snow. My skin paler but still tan. My sea green eyes had changed to an ice blue. My face structure had also changed as well. I was someone new.

I smiled and laughed. I was free of the gods. I was immortal which was a blow, but I was unknown. I could pursue what I wanted, like snowboarding. I wondered how i would enroll in college. I pulled my wallet and smiled in surprise. Instead of black, it was white and gray. The cards inside had all changed for a person name Riker Frost. Which I guess was now me. "Thank you Styx." I whispered, as I once more changed into mist, which seemed like a second form. I dispersed and made my way to Canada were I knew a few of the greek religion lived.

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