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Jason pov.

I just stared at the ground, frozen with the shock of discovering Riker was Snow and Riker was Percy. I couldn't just process the thought. 

I looked at the others in a daze, they all looked the same. like we all just punched in the gut and couldn't breathe afterward. Not that anyone could blame us after all. We just found Snow who just happens to be our long lost friend Percy. 

 I looked at the snow goddess Khione. She looked just as lost as us at this revelation of Riker being Percy. 

Nico was the first to speak, "What happens now? If Rik-  . . . or Percy is Snow . . . does that mean we just failed the quest since he doesn't want to help?" His words left us worse off. The quest  would succeed or fail on the fact of Snow helping our side in the war against the primordial of the sky. The words of the Prophecy came to mind.

"A third great War is coming to show.

Ones of the past, no longer mortal must go.

They must convince the one of snow.

Snow choice impacts, either friend or foe.

The Sky and his sons again in good terms.

Can the Olympians show that they have learned?" 

Percy or Riker's choice clearly was to leave him alone and that he wasn't going help. . . but his fatal flaw was loyalty right? How could he not?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Khione pov

Khione fidgeted slightly at the silence in the hallway. The store behind her was strangely muted and no mortal was around. The demigods were all silent at the reveal of Riker being the Hero of Olympus.

I was a bit surprised myself. Even I have heard the prophecy by now and sure I would let the demigods think I wasn't going to help but I ultimately was just to see how much I could lessen my  punishment. But with this new information, clearly it was Riker and I clearly knew even as a goddess we were practically doomed now thanks to the actions of the Olympians years ago against the Hero of Olympus.

I have heard of his fatal flaw and glad it was loyalty. Just imagine if his fatal flaw wasn't loyalty, he would have shifted sides in a heartbeat. 

 Well no longer my problem, the titans might just have pity on me anyways.  I turned to go glancing at the demigods who all just seemed to look so  . . . put down at the Son of Hades words. They looked up as they heard my footsteps echo on the floor. 

The Piper girl spoke, "What happened for us to deserve this?"

I didn't say anything just yet. I walked a few more steps before turning back to say, "Thank the Olympians for this, they have never learned as a minor god or goddess have since the end of the earlier wars."

"It's their fault that their side is in condemnation. I just hope I don't fade as a consequence for sadly being on your side of the war."

I then abruptly burst into snow and frost like Riker did and disappeared from view.

Sorry for making you guys wait so long. I just have been busy lately and haven't had the time to write and update. Enjoy the rest of your day!

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